
Get Donated Refreshments for Volunteer Events

​Providing snacks and refreshments can be a good way to keep volunteers energized, happy, and hydrated during volunteer events. A strategically timed snack break can be a good time for socializing as well as regrouping for additional tasks or priorities of the work day.

Tips for Volunteer Day Photo Documentation

We encourage you to take photos and videos at your volunteer projects. Before & after, and action photos are a great way to document and share the hard work of you and the volunteers. We collect photos from all the projects for photo slideshows for city‐wide cleanups (like this one from Earth Day), volunteer appreciation, and promotion of future volunteer events.

Energy Programs for Residents

​Support is available to help Oakland home owners and tenants improve the energy efficiency of their properties, conserve energy and reduce their energy bills.

Energy Programs for Business

Various programs are available in Oakland to help commercial property owners and tenants improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs.

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