
Archive of Previous Reports and Consolidated Plans

The City of Oakland is required to submit 5-Year Consolidated Plans, Annual Action Plans and Performance Reports to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to receive funds from the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnership, Emergency Solutions Grant, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Programs.

Archived CPRB Annual and Policy Reports

These Reports reflect the work of the Citizens' Police Review Board (CPRB). In December 2017 the Community Police Review Agency (CPRA) replaced the CPRB as Oakland's civilian investigator of complaints of police misconduct by sworn members of the Oakland Police Department.

BAHFA Bond (Nov 2024)

The regional Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) bond may raise $20 billion for affordable housing. As one of the largest cities in the Bay Area, the City of Oakland will receive a direct allocation of funding of $765 million if the bond passes in November 2024.

Bathroom & Kitchen Remodels

Building Permits are required for any bathroom or kitchen remodel in either a residential or commercial structure. Please review the permit application requirements below, as they vary by the scope and extent of your project.

Behested Payments

The chart and table below summarize "behested payments" reported by Oakland elected officials. to the Public Ethics Commission.

Bicycle Education & Encouragement

See links below to learn about bike safety, bike commuting and route-planning resources, bikeway maps, and bike theft prevention tips. This page is maintained by OakDOT's Safe Streets Division, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program.

Bicycle eLockers

There are a total of 420 publicly-accessible bicycle eLockers installed in Oakland!

Bicycle Friendly Community

Oakland is designated as a "Bicycle Friendly Community" by the League of American Bicyclists, accomplishing a goal from the 2007 bike plan.

Bicycle Parking Resources and Requirements

The where, what, and how of public bicycle parking in Oakland. Scroll down to learning about sidewalk rack placement guidelines, acceptable rack types, Oakland's bicycle parking ordinance, permits, and technical support.

Bike Oakland Newsletter

The "(Bike) Oakland" newsletter is published twice a year by Oakland's Bicycle & Pedestrian Program. The newsletter reports progress implementing Oakland's Bicycle Plan.

Bike Share

The City of Oakland's bike share program, now called Bay Wheels, is operated by Lyft. The regional docked system, previously known as Ford GoBike, launched in July 2017.

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