Help Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus
In 2018, Oakland voters overwhelmingly passed Measure Z, establishing workplace protections for hotel workers. This memo provides answers to frequently asked questions.
In November 2014, Oakland voters passed Measure FF, which established the city minimum wage, required sick leave, and required payment of service charges to hospitality workers.
Filing Schedule for Candidates and Controlled Committees for Local Office Listed on the November 3, 2020 Ballot
Resources for Oakland businesses, nonprofits and workers to plan, prepare and respond to Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19).
Resources for Oakland workers to Plan, Prepare and Respond to Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19).
Timely updates for Oakland businesses, and the nonprofits and partners that support them
Community Resource Officers (CRO) engage in problem solving projects, attend Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council (or Neighborhood Council) meetings. They serve as liaisons with city service teams, lead enforcement projects and coordinate with other OPD patrol and professional staff.
In the interest of public health, welfare, and safety, the ordinance establishes a process for the resolution of hazardous tree claims for the purpose of preventing personal injury or damage to neighboring properties.
Oakland's blight code promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens by requiring a level of maintenance of residential, commercial, and industrial property which will protect and preserve the livability, appearance, and social and economic stability of the city and which will also protect the public from the health and safety hazards and the impairment of property values which results from the neglect and deterioration of property.
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