Oakland Heritage Property 26: 3635 Majestic Avenue (Image A)
Oakland Youth Vote is a critical opportunity to extend the right to vote in school board elections to 16 and 17 year-olds! Vote YES on Measure QQ! The Oakland Youth Vote Coalition comprises of the following community organizations: All City Council, AYPAL, Californians for Justice, Oakland Kids First, Oakland Youth Commission, and Youth Together. We all work together to implement Measure QQ and empower our youth to vote for change!
We are excited to announce a youth and adult-ally led community project to promote belonging and anti-racism in Oakland through knowledge and liberation. This project was hosted by Oakland Youth Commission in collaboration with our community organizations.
Đây là phần cập nhật từ Phòng Phát Triển Kinh Tế & Lực Lượng Lao Động (EWDD) của Thành Phố Oakland làm nổi bật các nguồn lực được cung cấp cho các doanh nghiệp và các tổ chức đối tác của chúng ta đang hỗ trợ họ.
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