
Website Data Dashboard

Explore useful and interesting data about The City of Oakland's website using our public data dashboard

3rd Annual Oakland Manufacturing and Skilled Trades Day

This event highlights the importance of manufacturing in our society and lifts up the importance of career technical education programs, where young people can develop skills to enter these fulfilling, lucrative careers.


The holiday season is a wonderful, magical time of year. With all of the colorful holiday lights, joyful music, sounds of laughter and feelings of goodwill, it’s easy to forget that we may become a victim of crime. Falling victim to crime can happen to anyone at anytime. While there are no guarantees that you won’t be a victim of crime, there are things you can do to avoid being an easy target.

Data for Labor

This website provides labor with a single source of commonly used data.

Calendar of Upcoming Neighborhood Workshops

Series of neighborhood workships will provide East Oakland residents the opportunity to work with City of Oakland staff and community leaders to design projects and programs to improve their neighborhoods.

Oakland Coffee Rush

When you think coffee, do you think Oakland? Well, a couple thousand coffee shops in this town say you absolutely should.

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