Rent Registration Forms

To register a property for the first time, to update registered tenancy information, or to claim a property/unit exempt from the rent registry, owners can submit registration information using the forms provided below.

Initial Registration

To register a rental property for the first time, complete and submit the following forms:

1. Property Registration Form

This form is required to register any property for the first time; it may be used to register covered units and to claim units exempt.

2. Tenancy Registration Form

Owners/managers must complete this form for EACH UNIT that is covered by the registration requirement.

Example 1: If an owner has a property that is comprised of two units and both are rented, then the owner must submit 1) a Property Registration Form, and 2) two Tenancy Registration Forms (one for each rented unit). In total, the owner must submit three forms.

Example 2: If an owner has a property that is comprised of two units and one is occupied by the owner and the second is rented out, the owner must submit 1) a Property Registration Form, and 2) one Tenancy Registration Form. For each unit that is not rented out, the owner may claim an exemption and submit supporting documentation.

Annual Registration Renewal

Owners must register their properties annually by updating and/or confirming all registered tenancy information. To update the occupancy or rent information for a previously registered unit, complete and submit the following forms for EACH covered unit:

A. Property Registration Form

When renewing registration, this form can be used to:

1) Claim a previously registered unit exempt;

2) Update the owner/manager contact information;

3) Register a previously exempt unit for the first time.

B. Tenancy Registration Form

One form must be submitted for ALL covered units on a property, even if there are no changes from the previous year.

This form can be used to:

1) Report a new tenancy in a previously registered unit;

2) Report a rent increase for an existing tenancy in a previously registered unit;

3) Confirm that all previous reported tenancy information remains the same.; or

4) Report that a previously tenant-occupied unit is vacant.

Registration Forms

How to Submit Registration Forms?


If you are submitting your forms by email, please submit them as an attachment in PDF format and label the document with the master property address.

Please note that for security purposes we do not accept pictures of the forms or zipped, linked, password-protected files.

U.S. Mail: Oakland Rent Adjustment Program

Attn: Rent Registry

250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Ste. 5313

Oakland, CA 94612

Have Questions About the Rent Registry?

Contact the Registration team at

Please include the property address you are inquiring about. Or call a RAP rent registry staff member at (510) 238-3721, Option 2, during our normal business hours: Monday through Thursday, from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Posted: April 28th, 2023 1:53 PM

Last Updated: January 23rd, 2025 11:58 AM

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