Development Opportunities on City-owned Surplus Land

When the City of Oakland declares a property as “surplus land” pursuant to the State Surplus Land Act, the Oakland City Council will make a declaration of surplus during a public hearing. Following the declaration of surplus, the City must provide a Notice of Availability to eligible entities, including the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), any local public entity within the jurisdiction where the surplus local land is located, and developers who have notified HCD of their interest in developing affordable housing on surplus local land.

Contact Us for General Questions
General inquiries about the surplus land disposition process
HCD's Development Survey
Register to receive notices of availability for statewide surplus land

Disposition of Public Lands

Following Council direction and City priorities, City-owned land should be prioritized for use as affordable housing; the disposition of such sites should follow a transparent and accountable public process that is inclusive of Oakland’s many diverse communities; and projects should adhere to certain green building standards and local hire requirements.

For more information on the City's commitment to addressing structural racial inequities: please visit the City's Department of Race and Equity website.

State Surplus Land Act Notification Requirements

Effective January 1, 2020, Assembly Bill (AB) No.1486 amended the State Surplus Land Act (SLA) by prohibiting local agencies from commencing negotiations over the sale or lease of surplus property prior to sending notices about available, surplus local public land to designated entities (Eligible Entities), including:

  • HCD
  • Any local public entity within the jurisdiction where the surplus local land is located
  • Developers who have notified HCD of their interest in developing affordable housing on surplus local land.

Importantly, AB 1486 now requires a local agency to declare property as “surplus land” before taking any actions to dispose of such property, including issuance of a NOA or request for proposals (RFP). The declaration must be made by the legislative body of the local agency.

Following the declaration of surplus, the City must provide a NOA to the Eligible Entities for specified uses, including affordable housing, parks and recreation, and schools. An Eligible Entity desiring to purchase or lease the surplus land for any of the purposes described above must notify the City in writing of its intent to purchase or lease the land within 60 days after receipt of the City’s notification of intent to dispose of the land.

If the City receives notice of interest from any Eligible Entities, the SLA mandates a 90-day negotiation period with any designated entities that submit timely offers. If no notice of interest is received or negotiations do not result in a disposition, the City may proceed with disposing of the land. The SLA does not require the City to dispose of surplus land at less than fair market value. However, the SLA requires that, at a minimum, any subsequent development of 10 or more residential units on the site must designate at least 15 percent of units as affordable.

To receive notices for new NOAs, interested developers must notify the State's HCD of their interest in receiving notices by completing HCD's Developer Interest Survey.

For more information regarding the SLA, please visit the State's Surplus Lands webpage.

Municipal Surplus Land Disposition Process

List of Surplus Property

Site & Address Parcel Number(s) Notices & Legislation SLA Noticing Status

Homebase Parcel
633 Hegenberger Road


Noticing period ends on April 21, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. PST

Malibu Parcel

8000 S. Coliseum Way


Noticing period ends on April 21, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. PST

Barcelona Parcel (Oak Knoll)
Barcelona Street


Noticing period ended on February 15, 2022

1911 Telegraph Avenue


Noticing period ended on January 4, 2022

36th Avenue & Foothill Boulevard
3550, 3566, 3600, 3614 Foothill Boulevard


Noticing period ended on February 2, 2021

Clara Street & Edes Avenue
9418 Edes Avenue & 606 Clara Street

9418 Edes Ave
606 Clara St

Noticing period ended on February 2, 2021

73rd Avenue & Foothill Boulevard


Noticing period ended on December 26, 2020

Oakland Alameda County Coliseum Complex
7000 Coliseum Way


Noticing period ended on June 1, 2020

Fire Alarm Building
1310 Oak Street


Noticing period ended on March 24, 2020

Longcroft Drive


Pending NOA release

8280 & 8296 MacArthur Boulevard


Pending NOA release

1800 San Pablo Lot
1800 San Pablo Avenue


Pending NOA release

10451 MacArthur Boulevard


Pending NOA release

2759 & 2777 Foothill Boulevard


Pending NOA release

98th Avenue & Stearns Street

2656 98th Ave
2660 98th Ave

Pending NOA release

Rotunda Garage Remainder
524 16th Street


Pending NOA release

Miller Library Site
1449 Miller Avenue


Pending NOA release

7318 International Boulevard


Pending NOA release

Derby Street
1443 Derby Street


Pending NOA release

Montclair Firehouse
6226 Moraga Avenue


Pending NOA release

Coliseum City
796 66th Avenue, 6775 (7001) Oakport Street, 711 71st Avenue, 7001 Snell Street, 73rd Avenue, 728 73rd Avenue, 710 73rd Avenue, 66th Avenue, Edgewater Drive


Pending NOA release

Contact us

For more information on a surplus land parcel or the City's surplus lands disposition process, please email

Posted: July 27th, 2020 4:46 PM

Last Updated: February 19th, 2025 2:14 PM

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