Zero Waste Services Procurement History

The City of Oakland adopted a Zero Waste Strategic Plan in 2006. In 2011 the City began a process of Zero Waste System Design preparing for the expiration of Franchise service contracts in 2015. This page documents the steps the City took in that process from design through the issuance of new contracts. Material is shown in reverse chronological order.

May 2022

December 2021

  • City of Oakland and California Waste Solutions Settle Major Recycling Case Benefitting Oakland Ratepayers. Click here for more information.

December 2017

September 2017

  • An informational agenda report with attachment A and attachment B, providing a further update on the outcome of efforts and strategies to reduce Zero Waste "push/pull" service costs for multifamily buildings was heard by the City Council Public Works Committee on September 12, 2017.

February 2017

  • An informational agenda report providing a further update on the outcome of efforts and strategies to reduce Zero Waste "push/pull" service costs for multifamily buildings was heard by the City Council Public Works Committee on February 28, 2017.

July 2016

  • An informational agenda report providing an update on the outcome of efforts and strategies to reduce Zero Waste "push/pull" service costs for multifamily buildings was heard by the City Council Public Works Committee on July 12, 2016.

January 2016

  • A status report providing an update on efforts and strategies to reduce Zero Waste "push/pull" service costs for multifamily buildings was heard by the City Council Public Works Committee on January 12, 2016.
September/October 2015
  • On September 24, 2015, an agenda report was released recommending adoption of an ordinance to:
  • 1. Set Maximum Commercial Organics Rates To Be 30 Percent Below Maximum Commercial Mixed Materials Rates For Equivalent Service Frequency And Container Size Effective October 1, 2015, And Setting Maximum Commercial Organics Rates To Be 25 Percent Below Maximum Commercial Mixed Materials Rate For Equivalent Service Frequency And Container Size Effective July 1, 2016.
  • 2. Add Rates For Additional Single Family Organics Cart Collection, Garbage Compactor Bin Collection, Commercial Cart Push Service, Roll-Off Organics Tipping Services, Roll-Off Ancillary Services, Lock And Key Services, Special Events Bin Services, And Commercial Organics Cart And Bin Collection Six And Seven Times Per Week.

July 2015

  • On July 17, 2015, an agenda report was released recommending:
  • 1. Adopting a resolution authorizing the City Administrator to negotiate an agreement with Waste Management of Alameda County to reduce rates for commercial organics collection services, and restore the low-income senior discount.
  • 2. Amending Ordinance 13258 to add missing rates including maximum rates for Additional Single Family Organics Cart Collection, Garbage Compactor Bin Collection, Commercial Cart Push Service, Roll-Off Organics Tipping Services, Roll-Off Ancillary Services, Lock And Key Services, And Commercial Cart And Bin Collection Six And Seven Times Per Week.
  • On July 20, 2015, City Council took no action on the recommendations.

May 2015

March 2015

  • An informational agenda report providing an update on the implementation of Zero Waste services was heard by City Council on March 31, 2015.

February 2015

December 2014

  • On Tuesday, December 9th, the City Council approved:
  • o Ordinance 13273 amending Ordinance 13258 to add two "contamination rates" of $25 for the first incident in which a Contamination Rate is charged, and $50 for subsequent incidents that occur within 6-months of a prior incident for which a Contamination Rate was charged, to the established rate tables.
  • o Ordinance 13274 amending Ordinance 13254 to change the term of the Residential Recycling contract to 20 years.
  • o An ordinance clarifying that the portion of the fees received by the City from the Mixed Materials and Organics franchise that fund AB 939 Programs are designated as AB 939 Fees.

November 2014

  • An agenda report recommending two amendments to ordinances awarding Zero Waste contracts was released on November 7, 2014. The City Council will consider the report and ordinances at a Meeting on Tuesday November 18, 2014 at 5:30 p.m.
  • The first ordinance would amend Ordinance 13254 to change the term of the Residential Recycling contract to 20 years.
  • The second ordinance would amend Ordinance 13258 to add two "contamination rates" of $25 for the first incident in which a Contamination Rate is charged, and $50 for subsequent incidents that occur within 6-months of a prior incident for which a Contamination Rate was charged, to the established rate tables.
  • An agenda report recommending City Council adopt an ordinance to clarify that the portion of the fees received by the City from the MM&O franchise that fund AB 939 Programs are designated as AB 939 Fees was released on November 7, 2014. The City Council will consider the report and ordinance at a Meeting on Tuesday November 18, 2014 at 5:30 p.m.

September 2014

  • At a special meeting on Monday, September 29, 2014, the Oakland City Council adopted two ordinances amending two of the Zero Waste Franchises:
  • An ordinance amending the ordinance that granted the franchise for Mixed Materials and Organics collection services to California Waste Solutions, to instead grant that franchise to Waste Management of Alameda County.
  • An ordinance amending the ordinance that granted the franchise for Landfill Disposal services to California Waste Solutions, to instead grant that franchise to Waste Management of Alameda County.
  • A supplemental agenda report regarding Zero Waste Services franchise contracts was released on September 26. The City Council will consider the report and ordinances at a Special Meeting on Monday September 29 at 1:30 p.m.
  • At a special meeting on Monday, September 22, 2014, the Oakland City Council adopted two ordinances:
    • An ordinance amending the ordinance that granted the franchise for Mixed Materials and Organics collection services to California Waste Solutions, to instead grant that franchise to Waste Management of Alameda County.
    • An ordinance amending the ordinance that granted the franchise for Landfill Disposal services to California Waste Solutions, to instead grant that franchise to Waste Management of Alameda County.
    • The ordinances and an agenda report are available here (note: large file may open slowly).
    • A second reading of these ordinances is scheduled for a special meeting of the City Council at 1:30 pm on Monday, September 29, 2014.

August 2014

  • At a special meeting on Wednesday, August 13, 2014, the Oakland City Council adopted three ordinances:
  • An ordinance granting a franchise for Mixed Materials and Organics Collection Services to California Waste Solutions
  • An ordinance granting a franchise for Residential Recycling Collection Services to California Waste Solutions
  • An ordinance authorizing the City Administrator to execute an exclusive contract for landfill Disposal Services with California Waste Solutions
  • At the August 13th special meeting, the Oakland City Council also:
    • passed a motion to include provisions in the franchise agreements
    • adopted a resolution to appropriate and spend $1.5 million to fund transition oversight activities
  • A supplemental agenda report regarding Zero Waste Services franchise contracts was released on August 11. The City Council will consider the report and ordinances at a Special Meeting on Wednesday August 13 at 5:30 p.m.
  • An agenda report recommending City Council adoption of a resolution to appropriate and expend funds for Zero Waste Services Transition was released on August 11. The City Council will consider the report and ordinances at a Special Meeting on Wednesday August 13 at 5:30 p.m.
  • On August 11, 2014, the City received a letter from Waste Management of Alameda County pertaining to the award of Zero Waste Service contracts.
  • On August 8, 2014, the City received a letter from Waste Management of Alameda County pertaining to the award of Zero Waste Service contracts.

July 2014

Correspondence Pertaining to Zero Waste Services RFP

  • On July 29, 2014, the City received a letter from the Alameda County Waste Management Authority (StopWaste.Org) pertaining to the proposed CWS Interim Transfer Facility.
  • On July 29, 2014, the City received a letter from California Waste Solutions pertaining to the risk associated with the company's Zero Waste Services RFP.
  • On July 29, 2014, the City received a letter from Waste Management of Alameda County pertaining to California Waste Solutions' letter dated June 25, 2014.
  • On July 25, 2014, the City received a letter from California Waste Solutions dated June 25, 2014 pertaining to the company's Zero Waste Services RFP proposal.

Agenda Report to Oakland City Council Published for Awarding Zero Waste Franchise Agreements

  • A revised agenda report recommending the City Council conduct a Public Hearing and adopt ordinances awarding three Zero Waste Services franchise contracts was released on July 28. The City Council will consider the report and ordinances at a Special Meeting of the City Council on Wednesday July 30 at 5:30 p.m.
  • Revised best and final offer (BAFO) proposals for Zero Waste Services were solicited and received from California Waste Solutions (CWS) and Waste Management of Alameda County (WMAC) based on City Council direction provided on May 29, 2014:

CWS Disposal BAFO Proposal
CWS MMO & RR Proposal
CWS BAFO Facility Forms
CWS BAFO Rate Forms
CWS BAFO Proposals, Additional Forms & Clarifications

WMAC BAFO Proposals & Clarifications
WMAC BAFO Rate Forms

June 2014

May 2014

Media Release – Zero Waste Recommendation Goes to City Council

Agenda Report to Oakland City Council Published May 19th for Garbage, Organics, and Recycling Franchise Agreements Accepting Term Sheet and Directing Staff to Prepare Rate Tables.

  • An agenda report and resolution recommending that the City Council authorize the City Administrator to accept the term sheet for Waste Management of Alameda County for all three Zero Waste Services franchise contracts, and prepare the rate tables with any alternative selected by City Council, and bring the Ordinances to City Council for consideration and approval, was released on May 19. The City Council will consider the report and the resolution at a Special Meeting of the City Council at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday May 29, 2014.
  • Concurrent negotiations with California Waste Solutions (CWS) and Waste Management of Alameda County (WMAC) began June, 2013 and concluded in May, 2014. Negotiations were based on the proposals submitted on January 9, 2013 by CWS and WMAC:

CWS Service Group 1 Mixed Materials & Organics Part 1 of 9
CWS Service Group 1 Mixed Materials & Organics Part 2 of 9
CWS Service Group 1 Mixed Materials & Organics Part 3 of 9
CWS Service Group 1 Mixed Materials & Organics Part 4 of 9
CWS Service Group 1 Mixed Materials & Organics Part 5 of 9
CWS Service Group 1 Mixed Materials & Organics Part 6 of 9
CWS Service Group 1 Mixed Materials & Organics Part 7 of 9
CWS Service Group 1 Mixed Materials & Organics Part 8 of 9
CWS Service Group 1 Mixed Materials & Organics Part 9 of 9

CWS Service Group 2 Residential Recycling Part 1 of 9
CWS Service Group 2 Residential Recycling Part 2 of 9
CWS Service Group 2 Residential Recycling Part 3 of 9
CWS Service Group 2 Residential Recycling Part 4 of 9
CWS Service Group 2 Residential Recycling Part 5 of 9
CWS Service Group 2 Residential Recycling Part 6 of 9
CWS Service Group 2 Residential Recycling Part 7 of 9
CWS Service Group 2 Residential Recycling Part 8 of 9
CWS Service Group 2 Residential Recycling Part 9 of 9

WMAC Service Group 1 Mixed Materials & Organics Part 1 of 5
WMAC Service Group 1 Mixed Materials & Organics Part 2 of 5
WMAC Service Group 1 Mixed Materials & Organics Part 3 of 5
WMAC Service Group 1 Mixed Materials & Organics Part 4 of 5
WMAC Service Group 1 Mixed Materials & Organics Part 5 of 5

WMAC Service Group 2 Residential Recycling Part 1 of 6
WMAC Service Group 2 Residential Recycling Part 2 of 6
WMAC Service Group 2 Residential Recycling Part 3 of 6
WMAC Service Group 2 Residential Recycling Part 4 of 6
WMAC Service Group 2 Residential Recycling Part 5 of 6
WMAC Service Group 2 Residential Recycling Part 6 of 6

WMAC Service Group 3 Landfill Disposal Part 1 of 5
WMAC Service Group 3 Landfill Disposal Part 2 of 5
WMAC Service Group 3 Landfill Disposal Part 3 of 5
WMAC Service Group 3 Landfill Disposal Part 4 of 5
WMAC Service Group 3 Landfill Disposal Part 5 of 5

March 2014 - Oakland City Council Adopts a Resolution Regarding Garbage, Organics, and Recycling Franchise Agreements

  • On March 18, 2014, the Oakland City Council received a memo, and adopted a resolution regarding recycling worker wages and benefits, organics collection services, bulky collection services, and local non-combustible bio-waste-to-energy facility, for waste/garbage/organics collection, disposal, or recycling franchise agreements.

February 2014 - Oakland Zero Waste RFP Memorandum

  • On February 21, 2014 the Public Works Director issued a memo updating City Council on the status of Zero Waste Services contract negotiations.

January 2014 - Oakland Zero Waste RFP Memorandum

  • On January 3, 2014, the Public Works Director issued a memo updating City Council on the status of Zero Waste Services contract negotiations.

June 2013 - Oakland City Council Adopts a Resolution Authorizing Zero Waste RFP Negotiations

  • The Oakland City Council received an Agenda Report and Supplemental Report, and adopted a resolution authorizing the City Administrator to enter into simultaneous negotiations with the top-ranked proposers for the Zero Waste Services Request for Proposal.

May 2013

  • On May 23, 2013, the Public Works Director issued a memo informing City Council that two proposals were received and reviewed, a protest period was opened and closed after five days, and the "cone of silence" was lifted.
  • On May 15, 2013, the City sent a letter informing Zero Waste RFP proposers that the protest period would open on May 17, 2013 and close on May 22, 2013.

February 2013 - Oakland Zero Waste RFP Memorandum

  • On February 21, 2013, the Director of Public Works issued a memorandum updating City Council on the status of the Zero Waste Services Request for Proposal process.

January 2013 - Oakland Zero Waste RFP Addenda

  • On January 24, 2013, the Director of Public Works issued a memorandum confirming receipt of proposals in response to the Zero Waste Services Request for Proposal, and the Director reminded the City Council to direct all inquiries and conversations regarding the RFP to the Process Coordinator, as described by the Protocol for Process Integrity.
  • On January 8, 2013, the City issued Addendum #14 for Service Groups 1 & 2, which revises instructions for completing From 2J (Emergency Service Rate).
  • On January 3, 2013, the City issued Addendum #13 for Service Groups 1 & 2, which provides an updated MM&O Maximum Customer Service Rates Forms. The updated forms have increased column widths for data entry.

December 2012 - Oakland Zero Waste RFP Addenda

November 2012 - Oakland Zero Waste RFP Addenda

October 2012 - Oakland Zero Waste RFP Addenda

September 2012 - Oakland Zero Waste RFP Release and Addenda

August 2012 - Oakland Zero Waste RFP Release

  • A legal notice announcing a Mandatory RFP Release Meeting for the collection service (Service Groups 1 & 2) agreements portion of the RFP on September 5, 2012 was published in local newspapers on August 29, 2012.
  • On August 13, 2012, the City released Addendum #1 to the Disposal Services portion of the Zero Waste RFP, clarifying that disposal Site Information is due on Friday, August 17, 2012.
  • The City released the Landfill Disposal Services portion of the Zero Waste RFP, which includes the Disposal Services Contract, at a Mandatory RFP Release Meeting On August 3, 2012. Participants were required to sign Affidavits agreeing to adhere to a Code of Conduct in order to receive the RFP and become eligible proposers. The Affidavit and the forms and policies referenced in the Affidavit were posted on this web site on July 30, 2012. Five companies signed out the RFP and provided contact information. Here's the presentation from the August 3rd RFP Release Meeting.

July 2012 - Oakland Zero Waste RFP Release Announced

  • A legal notice announcing a Mandatory RFP Release Meeting for the Landfill Disposal Services portion of the RFP on August 3, 2012 was published in local newspapers on July 27, 2012
  • The City Administrator issued a memorandum announcing that the Code for Communications applies to candidates for City Council
  • The City Administrator issued a memorandum announcing the City would begin releasing the RFP August 3, 2012, and that on that date a Code for Communication becomes effective requiring all prospective RFP respondents to communicate with the City only through a designated Process Coordinator
  • The City notified prospective proposers that the RFP for Zero Waste Services would be released on or about August 1, 2012

May and June 2012 – Oakland City Council adopted a Motion on Zero Waste RFP Economic Benefits
The Oakland City Council adopted a motion setting the final Zero Waste RFP economic benefit provisions, following receipt of an Agenda Report and four supplemental reports.

April 2012 - Oakland City Council Adopts a Revised Resolution Zero Waste System RFP Content

  • The Oakland City Council adopted a Revised Resolution that addresses evaluative criteria and weighting, rate adjustment, diversion performance measurement, and Alameda County Measure D, as described in the Council Agenda Report.

February 2012 - Oakland City Council Adopts a Resolution Setting RFP Process and Schedule

January 2012 - Oakland City Council Adopts a Resolution Establishing Zero Waste System Design

  • The Oakland City Council received an Agenda Report and Supplemental Report recommending a new Zero Waste System to replace existing solid waste and recycling agreements that expire in June 2015, and address waste hauling and recycling services that are currently provided apart from these agreements.

July 2011 - Informational Report to Oakland City Council on Zero Waste System Design Status

The Future: A "Zero Waste" Oakland

Oakland is pursuing the goal of being a Sustainable City - a place where we can meet our current needs while ensuring that future generations can live diverse, rewarding, and healthy lives. In March 2006 the Oakland City Council adopted a Zero Waste Goal by 2020 and in December 2006 passed a resolution adopting a Zero Waste Strategic Plan. The Zero Waste Strategic Plan (Plan) provides a framework of policies and initiatives that guide the planning and decision-making process to achieve the City’s Zero Waste Goal.

Oakland continues to exceed the 50% waste reduction goal mandated by state law (AB 939), primarily through participation in residential recycling collection programs, mandatory construction and demolition (C&D) debris recycling, and businesses served by the many independent recycling companies operating in Oakland. A report to City Council recommending adoption of the Zero Waste Goal acknowledges that Zero Waste strategies will be necessary for Oakland to reach its goal of 75% waste reduction by 2010 , as well as Oakland’s over-arching sustainability goals. Zero Waste goes beyond recycling discarded materials. It considers the vast flow of resources and waste through our society and economy, and moves to eliminate waste.

Oakland's Zero Waste Strategic Plan

Oakland’s Zero Waste Strategic Plan establishes five strategies, which include traditional recycling programs as well as system redesign solutions for product waste, and policy and regulatory changes:

  1. 1. Expand and Improve Local and Regional Recycling and Composting
  2. 2. Develop and Adopt New Rules and Incentives to Reduce Waste Disposal
  3. 3. Preserve Land for Sustainable Development and Green Industry Infrastructure
  4. 4. Advocate for Manufacturer Responsibility for Product Waste, Ban Problem Materials
  5. 5. Educate, Promote and Advocate a Zero Waste Sustainability Agenda

Oakland's pursuit of its Zero Waste Goal is guided by an Environmental Hierarchy for 'highest and best use' of materials and pollution prevention in all phases of production, use, and disposition of products and materials.

Oakland's Zero Waste Goal is to cut the City's waste disposal of to 40,000 tons per year - a 90% reduction from 2005. Progress toward the Zero Waste Goal will be measured by the tons of waste landfilled annually.

Residents and businesses provided input to the development of Oakland’s Zero Waste Strategic Plan through participation in meetings for the general public and business leaders.

Zero Waste Overview

Below are documents that explain basic Zero Waste principles:

Posted: December 28th, 2018 2:44 PM

Last Updated: August 1st, 2023 3:48 PM

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