Request Lobbyist Registration Fee Waiver

Lobbyists representing non-profit organizations and small businesses that meet certain tax status and/or income requirements may apply for reduced or waived registration fees.

Before you Start

The Lobbyist Registration Act allows the PEC to waive or reduce the lobbyist registration fee for lobbyists who meet certain criteria. Lobbyist registration fees will be waived for a lobbyist who:

  1. is a salaried employee, officer, or director of an organization or association that is exempt from taxation under 26 U.S.C. Sections 501(c)(3) and that received less than $750,000 in gross receipts; and
  2. is exclusively representing that organization.

Lobbyist registration fees will be reduced for a local governmental lobbyist who:

  1. is a salaried employee, officer, or director of any corporation, organization or association that received less than $200,000 in gross receipts or gross income; and
  2. is exclusively representing that corporation, organization or association.

The Public Ethics Commission may require that a local governmental lobbyist submit proof of an employer’s gross receipts or gross income to receive the fee reduction or fee waiver.

For complete elibility requirements see Lobbyist Registration Act Section 3.20.040.

What to Do

Submit your application

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