Oakland Police Negotiated Settlement Agreement (NSA) and Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Reports

The City of Oakland's Negotiated Settlement Agreement (NSA) dates from January 22, 2003, when the City of Oakland and the Oakland Police Department entered into an agreement resolving allegations of police misconduct raised by private plaintiffs in the civil lawsuit, Delphine Allen, et al., v. City of Oakland, et al. The NSA requires police reforms in several areas, including internal affairs, supervision of officers, police use of force, training, personnel practices, and community policing.

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OPD Independent Monitoring Team (IMT) Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual Reports
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NSA with stipulations regarding pattern and practice claims revised December 2008
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Oakland Police Department Office of the Inspector General (OIG)

About OPD's Independent Monitor

The Police Performance Solutions Independent Monitoring Team (PPS/IMT), chaired by Chief (Ret.) Robert S. Warsaw, consists of experts in law enforcement, police monitoring, auditing and evaluation, intergovernmental relations, civil rights compliance, constitutional considerations and best practices in contemporary policing. The IMT was hired by the City of Oakland in 2010 to monitor the Memorandum of Understanding related to OPD's NSA. Click on the IMT Reports button link above to view these monthly reports.

Where appropriate, PPS/IMT builds on existing work of both the prior monitor and OPD. PPS/IMT focuses on several core areas including:

  • Internal Affairs and Citizen Complaints
  • Use of Force
  • Discipline
  • The Personnel Assessment System
  • Span of Control
  • Training
  • Management and Supervision (Oversight, Auditing and Review Systems).

PPS/IMT determines compliance through:

  • Examination of the creation of policies
  • Implementation of practices that support each requirement in the Agreement.

Office of the Compliance Director

On February 12, 2014 Judge Thelton Henderson issued an order to "concentrate the powers of the Compliance Director and Monitor into one position." Compliance Director Warshaw released his first progress report on Friday, April 18, 2014. Sixth Progress Report - 6/8/15 Fifth Progress Report - 3/16/15 Fourth Progress Report - 12/1/14 Third Progress Report - 8/25/14 Second Progress Report - 6/16/14 First Progress Report - 4/18/14

Informe sobre el progreso del Director de Cumplimiento para el Departamento de Policía Oakland


Thomas Frazier, Compliance Director 2013 - 2014

Remedial Action Plan

On March 4, 2013, Judge Henderson appointed Commissioner Thomas C. Frazier (Ret.) as the Compliance Director. Commissioner Frazier served from March 2013 to February 2014, when Judge Henderson consolidated the roles of Monitor and Compliance Director and tasked (Ret.) Chief Robert S. Warshaw to serve in the newly consolidated position.

The Compliance Director was required to file a Remedial Action Plan (“Plan”) within 30 days of appointment. The Plan is to:

  • Address deficiencies that led OPD to noncompliance with the NSA
  • Explain how the Plan will facilitate sustainable compliance with all outstanding tasks by December 2013 or as soon thereafter as possible.

Court Appointed Compliance Director

Monthly Compliance Director Progress Reports, July - December 2013

NSA-Related Publications from Varied Sources




2012 and Earlier

Posted: August 31st, 2018 3:44 PM

Last Updated: January 20th, 2021 7:59 PM

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