Petition for a New or Extended Residential Permit Parking Area

Petition for a new or extended Residential Permit Parking Permit Area by mail or in person.

Petition Form
Formulario de Solicitud de Permiso

1. Print the petition form above and satisfy the following requirements:

  • a description or map showing the proposed residential area
  • a signature, printed name, and address of at least 51% of addresses per block (blocks as defined by the Alameda County Assessor's Map)
  • If creating a new RPP Area, the proposed area must contain at least 6 contiguous blocks

2. Submit the petition to:

Oakland Department of Transportation
Parking & Mobility Division
250 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Suite 4344
Oakland, CA 94612-2033

3. OakDOT will review the petition and determine whether adequate parking restraints exist in the proposed zone

  • at least 75% of parking spaces in the proposed area must be filled during OakDOT analysis to be approved
  • OakDOT reviews only twice a year in the Spring and Fall

4. If petition is approved by OakDOT, the petition will be presented at a community meeting and a City Council hearing

  • Notice of the community meeting will be posted at least 10 days prior on all block fronts proposed and mailed to each address within the petitioned RPP area
  • A new annual permit costs $82

5. If approved by Council, permits will be ordered and residents will be given 1 month to purchase permits when available

Refer to Chapter 10.44 in the Oakland Municipal Code to learn more.

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