Celebrate NBA All-Stars in the City of Oakland
Mayor Kevin Jenkins welcomes NBA All-Stars Festivities in the City of Oakland
Mayor Kevin Jenkins welcomes NBA All-Stars Festivities in the City of Oakland
This communication serves to provide you with an overview of the updated filing schedule and related requirements for candidates and committees participating in the upcoming City of Oakland special election to be held April 15, 2025. Adherence to these deadlines is crucial to for compliance with California state law and the Oakland Municipal Code.
Making crosswalks safer through improved visibility
Want to apply for a Cannabis Permit? Be sure to gather the following documents before applying in our new online portal. Gathering these documents in advance will make the application process quicker.
The triangle shaped Tyrone Carney Park is located at 10501 Acalanes Drive in the Sobrante Park neighborhood. The park was constructed in 1968 and was named after Vietnam Veteran Tyrone Carney. In 2002, the site was closed for security reasons. In 2025, the City of Oakland will make improvements and re-open the park. The improvements to the park will also include a sculpture of Tyrone Carney.
Oakland's General Plan Update is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for Oaklanders to work together to create a visionary blueprint for the future of our City.
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