2020 Census Key Dates

Residents can expect to receive mailed invitations to participate in the 2020 Census in March 2020. Census Day is on April 1, 2020, but you will have the opportunity to submit your responses online or over the phone beginning in mid-March 2020.


The following are key dates to the 2020 Census.

January 2020 – Awareness stage

The City of Oakland and organizations across the region will be launching Census awareness campaigns through various media and outreach channels in early 2020.

March 12, 2020 – Invitations mailed to households

Residents will be mailed an invitation with instructions to complete the 2020 Census. The postcard will have a unique identifier code and provide the Census website link. Residents also have the option to call and submit responses over the phone.

Mid-March 2020 – Questionnaire Assistance Centers

Both the City and County staff are working to create Questionnaire Assistance Centers where residents can use computers or receive assistance in completing the Census. More information on the Questionnaire Assistance Centers will be released in 2020. To sign up and host a Questionnaire Assistance Center, please complete this survey.

March 23, 2020 – National Census week

Week observed across the country to bring awareness and ask residents to complete the Census.

April 1, 2020 – Census day

Officially observed as Census day.

May-July 2020 – Household visits

Census staff will begin the non-response follow up phase for those households that have not submitted their responses.

July 31, 2020 – Response period closes

Last day to submit your Census responses online or over the phone.

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