The OAK311 mobile app and SeeClickFix web portal will be down from Thursday February 13th at 7:00 pm to Saturday February 15th at 11:59pm for a software update. During this time, we will only be responding to infrastructure emergencies. To report an infrastructure emergency, please call us by dialing 3-1-1 (if in Oakland) or (510) 615-5566.

Alameda County Comprehensive Investment Plan

The Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) administers a Comprehensive Investment Plan (CIP), which draws from fund sources including Measure BB and Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA, a local fund source of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District) for the entire County.

The ACTC CIP plans, programs and allocates public funding for transportation improvements. The goals of this regional plan are to strategically fund a wide range of transportation improvements and services that facilitate safe, efficient, and accessible travel for all types of transportation in all areas of Alameda County.

A portion of these funds are funneled directly to individual agencies in the County, while the remaining funds are administered via grants on a project-by-project application basis. The City of Oakland has successfully received grant awards from ACTC, funding the development of the projects below. These projects were selected by ACTC based on their potential to maximize capital investments toward critical transportation infrastructure and program operation needs that are essential for improving and maintaining the County’s transportation system.

The following project status table is updated annually.


Explore the following project descriptions and links to learn more about individual projects funded by grants from the Alameda County CIP:

14th Avenue Streetscape (BID ADVERTISEMENT)

The 14th Avenue Streetscape project, located from E. 8th/E. 12th Street to 27th Street, will provide safe access and mobility for all modes, including vehicles, bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit users. Improvements will include signal pole upgrades, roadway reconfiguration and repaving, as well as updates to improve the pedestrian environment, including crosswalks, pedestrian lighting, and landscaping.

The 1-mile span from E.8th/E.12th Street to 27th Street is a major east-west corridor that connects International Boulevard and Highland Hospital. Redesigning the street will increase the corridor’s transportation capacity and efficiency, allowing all types of travelers to reach Oakland jobs and commercial centers in the Dimond District, Downtown, and at Highland Hospital. This project also includes bus stop improvements along the corridor to improve rider experience.


14th Street Safety Project (CONSTRUCTION)

This stretch of 14th Street represents one of the densest concentrations of traffic injuries and deaths in the City of Oakland. These tragic and preventable collisions, injuries, and deaths are a daily barrier to mobility for all, and a barrier to 14th Street operating as the center of a calm and walkable Downtown. The Goals of this project are to:

  • Invest in safety improvements for all people who use 14th Street
  • Improve the connection to Downtown for people walking, biking, and taking transit
  • Install String Lighting or Pedestrian-scale sidewalk lighting on 14th Street to improve nighttime visibility
  • Add parking to the 14th Street area by installing angled parking on 13th Street which will add up to 55 parking spaces on 13th
  • Improve transit reliability for the 14 line, one of the busiest bus lines in Oakland


27th Street Complete Streets (BID AWARD)

This project will implement a high-quality, all-ages-and-abilities bikeway in the Broadway-Valdez District, from Bay Place at Grand Avenue to 27th Street at Telegraph Avenue. This will include two protected intersections, facilitating safe and comfortable left turns for bicyclists, reduced pedestrian crossing distances at intersections and green infrastructure treatments.

The City of Oakland will implement the 0.6-mile project by leveraging private development in the corridor, spurred by the Broadway-Valdez District Specific Plan. Private development projects, including a keystone 18-story mixed-use building at 24th & Harrison, will implement segments of the protected bikeway as required by conditions of approval. A pedestrian plaza will also be developed at the 27th & Harrison intersection by simplifying it into a 4-way intersection, reducing delay and safety conflicts for all modes.


42nd Ave & High St I-880 Access Improvement Project (RIGHT OF WAY)

The 42nd Avenue & High Street project will improve, widen, re-orient, and extend existing local roads to improve street connectivity and freeway access, as well as improve pedestrian & ADA accessibility and open parcels west of I-880 to economic development.

This project includes construction of traffic signals at six intersections, traffic striping, pavement markings, signage, storm drainage, and lighting. 

66th Avenue BART to Bay Trail (DESIGN)

This project seeks to finally create a connection from East Oakland to the Shoreline for people walking and biking - on 66th Avenue between San Leandro Street and Oakport Street. 66th Avenue is in many ways the most direct connection between a wide array of East Oakland neighborhoods and the Bay Trail/MLK Jr Regional Shoreline. The upcoming Coliseum Connections project will complete a key segment of the East Bay Greenway on San Leandro Street which will provide a direct bicycle connection to the eastern end of the project area at 66th and San Leandro Street. From there, the project will extend west past the entrance to the Oakland Coliseum at Coliseum Way, and over the Caltrans 880 freeway bridge to the entrance of the Shoreline and Bay Trail at the intersection of 66th Ave and Oakport Street.


Broadway Streetscape Improvements (DESIGN)

The Broadway Streetscape Improvement project will make enhancements to bus operations, pedestrian safety, and the city’s fiber optic network on Broadway between 2nd Street and 11th Street and 20th Street to Grand Avenue. Improvements include:

  • Red bus-only lanes to extend the existing bus-only lanes and further improve transit access and reliability
  • Transit Signal Priority (TSP) at all signalized intersections to help keep the signals green for approaching buses to improve reliability
  • New bus shelters, seating, and trash cans at bus stops
  • Additional street trees, landscaping, and public seating along the corridor
  • Broadway/I-880 underpass enhancements with lighting and placemaking elements to invite people to travel between neighborhoods with more comfort
  • Removal of the existing slip turn at the 6th Street and Broadway off-ramp intersection to mitigate high-speed vehicular right-turns and poor sight lines between freeway off-ramp drivers and pedestrians in the crosswalk
  • Upgrading traffic signals and provide protected left turns to increase safety
  • Repaving the road


Broadway Transit Lanes (COMPLETE)

This project will implement dedicated transit only lanes on Broadway between 11th Street and 20th Street in downtown Oakland. The project includes red transit-only lanes, high visibility crosswalk markings,, signage and striping improvements, bus stop relocations, concrete roadway repair/ replacement in limited locations, and pavement rehabilitation designed specifically for a heavy transit route.

Transit only lanes will improve transit reliability and on-time performance in the Broadway corridor, which sees up to 50 buses an hour during peak periods. Bus service on Broadway connects passengers to a range of destinations within Oakland and within Alameda County, including Berkeley and San Leandro.


East 12th Street Bikeway (BID ADVERTISEMENT)

The East 12th Street Bikeway will fill the gap of a continuous bike route on the International Boulevard corridor from downtown Oakland, through East Oakland, to the Elmhurst neighborhood - a distance of six miles. This gap is the direct connection to Fruitvale BART from neighborhoods to the east of the station. Completing this project is a priority of the City’s Master Bicycle Plan.

The bikeway will help build momentum for the East Bay Greenway by providing a near-term, on-street bike route between 35th Ave and 54th Ave. Additional improvements include the installation of over 40 ADA-compliant curb ramps along E 12th St. and pavement rehabilitation and preservation along E 12th St and 54th Ave to eliminate and prevent hazardous conditions for bicyclists.

The project is composed of the following segments:

  • E 12th St (40th Ave to 44th Ave) - two-way protected bicycle lane (0.25 miles)
  • E 12th St (44th Ave to 54th Ave) - bicycle boulevard/neighborhood greenway (0.55 miles)
  • 54th Ave (E 12th St to International Blvd) - bicycle boulevard/neighborhood greenway (0.20 miles)
  • E 12th St (35th Ave to 40th Ave) - buffered bicycle lanes (0.30 miles)
  • 35th Ave (E 12th St to Fruitvale BART Station entrance) - buffered bicycle lanes (0.10 miles)


East Bay Greenway Segment II (CONSTRUCTION)

This segment effectively builds momentum for the completion of the East Bay Greenway through Oakland, and will provide an important bicyclist and pedestrian connection along San Leandro Street, which is currently a forbidding environment for non-motorized traffic. Project will: 

  • Improve Cycle and pedestrian network connectivity in communities along the BART line
  • Improve access to regional transit, schools, downtown area and other destinations
  • Create a facility that is accessible and comfortable for bicyclists and pedestrians of all ages and abilities
  • Improve safety for bicyclists and pedestrians
  • Support promotion of a multimodal transportation system and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions


East Oakland Mobility Action Plan (EOMAP) (PLAN COMPLETE)

The East Oakland Mobility Action Map will focus on working with East Oakland residents, community based organizations and businesses to plan priority projects that will enhance transit, pedestrian, and bicycle friendly facilities in East Oakland. With the opening of the East Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) on the International Boulevard Corridor scheduled for 2018, the objective of this study is to identify priorities and create concept designs for a suite of improvements that can provide safe mobility throughout the neighborhoods.

The planning study proposes a yearlong effort of community outreach to look at areas within a half mile walk-shed of the East Bay BRT from Seminary Blvd south/east to the City border. The study will revisit the priorities of the East Oakland Community-based Transportation Plan (2007), as well as Oakland's Bicycle Master Plan (2012 Update), and Pedestrian Master Plans (2016 Draft), with the aim of identifying high priority locations and corridors for systematic upgrades.

Draft study objectives are to examine physical planning issues such as:

  • standard pedestrian enhancements along major corridors connected to International Blvd BRT stations
  • confirmation of priority bicycle treatments, including design of family friendly community bikeways
  • specific redesign of streets to reduce traffic speeds and over-capacity, particularly streets like 73rd which enable near highway like travel speeds over safety for bicyclists and pedestrians.
  • integration of AC transit planning to enhance cross town service connecting to BRT
  • Safe Routes to Schools walk audits and improvement strategies


Fruitvale Alive! Gap Closure (CONSTRUCTION)

The Fruitvale Alive! Gap Closure Project will install raised cycle tracks (Class 4) between Alameda Avenue and E. 12th Street along Fruitvale Avenue. It will also widen sidewalks, improve pedestrian crossings, add pedestrian scale lighting, landscaped buffers, remove conflicting vehicular through, and slip turn lanes to increase safety. For more information, visit the Fruitvale Alive! project webpage.


LAMMPS Phase I: Laurel Access to Mills Maxwell Park and Seminary (COMPLETE)

Laurel Access to Mills, Maxwell Park and Seminary (LAMMPS) Streetscape Project will improve safety and access for pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic along MacArthur Boulevard from High Street to Richards Road (0.6 miles). The improvements will include the replacement of existing pavement, sidewalks, curb ramps, medians, islands, traffic signals, streetlights and crosswalks, traffic lane reconfiguration, new bike lanes and multi-use trail, and two new traffic signals.


LAMMPS Phase II: Laurel Access to Mills Maxwell Park and Seminary (DESIGN)

LAMMPS Phase 2 builds off of LAMMPS Phase 1 and is focused on improving safety on MacArthur Boulevard between 55th Avenue and Seminary Avenue. The primary goal of the LAMMPS Phase 2 project is to continue the Class I pathway and extend this safe bicycling and walking trail to connect the Laurel District with the Frick, Seminary, Millsmont, and Havenscourt neighborhoods. The scale and types of improvements on this corridor will be informed by feedback by community members.


Lincoln Elementary Safe Routes to School (COMPLETE)

This project constructed Safe Route to School Improvements in the vicinity of Lincoln Elementary School, including:

  • Curb extensions and high-visibility crosswalks at the intersection of 11th Street and Harrison Street.
  • Curb extensions and high-visibility crosswalks at the intersections of 10th and 11th Streets and Jackson Street
  • Curb extensions at 10th Street and Harrison Street
  • A loading zone at the school frontage


MacArthur Smart City Corridor (BID AWARD)

This project will extend the existing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) network with fiber cable to 62 traffic signals along 13 miles of MacArthur Boulevard and adjacent roadways. Improvements will enhance mobility for all modes, including queue jump lanes and transit signal priority for bus; pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle detection for enhanced signal performance; curb ramp and sidewalk for pedestrian accessibility; and, communications for remote traffic operations, monitoring and signal maintenance.

This project also includes central hub network upgrades at the City Transportation Management Center and other communication hubs, and development of a TSP performance monitoring interface for Oakland’s traffic signal system.

  • Phase 1 consists of 10.5 miles of fiber interconnect and 44 signalized intersections along Lakeshore Blvd, E. 18th St, Park Blvd, MacArthur Blvd, Foothill Blvd, and 98th Ave.;
  • Phase 2 consists of 2.5 miles of interconnect and 18 signalized intersections along 40th St (from Market St to Broadway) and W. MacArthur Blvd (Market St to Santa Clara St).


Oakland Bike Share Expansion (COMPLETE)

The Oakland Bike Share Expansion Project will expand the regional Bay Area Bike Share program to the City of Oakland. The planned service area in Oakland consists of 700 bicycles circulating among 70 stations in an area including Downtown Oakland, Lake Merritt neighborhoods, Telegraph Ave corridor, Broadway corridor, West Oakland, Jack London Square, and Fruitvale and will be contiguous with Berkeley's planned Bay Area Bike Share service area. For more information, visit the Oakland Bike Share webpage.


Oakland Mobility Transportation Demand Management (OakMob TDM) (COMPLETE)

OakMob TDM Project will use a personalized marketing approach to engage residents in the forthcoming AC Transit BRT corridor to increase walking, bicycling, and car sharing while reducing the number of single-occupancy car trips. All households and businesses in the target area will be contacted with personalized information, support, and incentives to reach out to residents receptive to changing their travel behaviors.

The 2-year program will serve as a pilot and look for opportunities to fully expand into a City-wide permanent program. The program is intended to reach all participants within the project area and deliver OakMob transportation kits to 50% of residents and business owners within the program area.

The proposed scope of work includes:

  • Project Initiation: Consult supportive local and government organizations in the project area
  • TDM – Personalized Marketing Strategy: Compile directory of households and businesses in area, Develop a marketing brand for OakMob, Engage with participants and deliver OakMob kits, Evaluate program success with identifiable metrics, Develop a plan for scaling to a City-wide permanent program.
  • Community Engagement: Coordinate at least 4 Community Walks or Bike Rides per year, Table at up to 10 local events per year or at BART/major transit stations.
  • Communications: Update website on ongoing basis, Send electronic and paper newsletter
  • Administration: Administrative record of project, Meeting notes and action items for bi-weekly team meetings, Quarterly Reports.


Oakland Traffic Management Center Upgrade (BID AWARD)

Oakland Traffic Management Center Upgrade - This project will evaluate and upgrade the existing Oakland Traffic Management Center for better traffic signal coordination within the City and will install a new server with more computing capability that can run upgraded applications. There will also be a replacement of network switches and installation of security software to assist with system management and maintenance. The project would connect the traffic signal coordination and management system for traffic signals in the Tempo BRT Corridor and for other TSP‐equipped bus lines operating in the City of Oakland into the Traffic Management Center.


West Oakland Transit Improvements (PLANNING)
This project proposes up to 14 bus stop access improvements to ensure West Oakland bus stops meet minimum standards and proposes funds to create a blueprint for expanding the EasyPass Program to provide transit access to low-income West Oaklanders.

This project involves two components both designed to reduce barriers to transit:

  1. Transit access: upgrades to as many as 14 bus stops in West Oakland, along with the removal of unused railroad tracks at one location
  2. Transit passes: planning funds to develop a proposal to extend low-cost institutional transit passes to West Oakland communities, as well as a pilot of the EasyPass program.


Coliseum Transit Hub

As part of the May 2020 ACTC CIP Update, the award of $4.5 million for this project was recommended for de-allocation and is no longer an ACTC CIP project. This recommendation was based on project delivery information and was reached in collaboration with ACTC and OakDOT staff. This project was not in the City’s prioritized list of needs.

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