The OAK311 mobile app and SeeClickFix web portal will be down from Thursday February 13th at 7:00 pm to Saturday February 15th at 11:59pm for a software update. During this time, we will only be responding to infrastructure emergencies. To report an infrastructure emergency, please call us by dialing 3-1-1 (if in Oakland) or (510) 615-5566.

Building Bureau

The Bureau of Building oversees the regulatory process for construction performed in the City of Oakland. We ensure that residential, commercial, and industrial properties are built and maintained in a safe and healthy manner. Come to us to apply for Building Permits, to request permit inspection services, or to report potential building code violations.

What is the Role of the Bureau of Building?

Construction at Sprouts Market Development Site

The Bureau of Building ensures that construction projects and maintenance plans are reviewed and inspected promptly and professionally while ensuring compliance with State statutes and City ordinances. We provide effective management at all stages of the building process including permitting, inspections, and building code violation enforcement to ensure all residential, commercial, and industrial properties are maintained in a safe and healthy condition.

Customer service is an important role within the Building Bureau. We are committed to providing clear and complete information regarding your construction project and responding to your concerns and suggestions in a courteous and timely manner.

Interested in Planning & Zoning issues? Learn more on our Planning Bureau page!

Plan Check Services Division

Pre-Approved Plans for Studio ADU

The Plan Check Services Division is comprised of a team of in-house engineers who are responsible for the review, processing and coordination of the private development permitting review process to ensure it meets state and local laws. This includes fire and life safety, structural, mechanical, electrical, & plumbing, disabled accessibility, and energy conservation projects. Plan Check staff do not provide building design services. Once you've submitted all required documents and permit fees for your new or revised project, our engineers will review your plans to ensure all relevant Building Codes and regulations are met.

Plan Check Questions

Building Permit Inspections Division

MacArthur Village Building Construction

The Permit Inspections Division is responsible for confirming that construction work is being conducted per the approved plans in compliance with applicable California permit codes and Municipal Codes. Permit Inspections must be scheduled by the permittee BEFORE construction work can be covered up (i.e., a foundation with concrete, walls with sheetrock, etc.). During your scheduled inspection appointment, an inspector reviews your work for violations. If a violation is found, the inspector issues a correction notice, after which the permittee corrects the violation and requests a new inspection. If no violations are found, the inspector approves and signs off on the work and the project may proceed to the next inspection milestone.

Building Inspections

Code Enforcement Division

Photo of development projects on 8th Street in Oakland

The Code Enforcement Division provides compliance inspections for Oakland Municipal Code violations, including housing and facilities, residential blight, and zoning. As a responsive division, Code Enforcement conducts inspections in response to reports of code violations from the public. Reporting a code violation is confidential and can be done through Oak 311 or by filing a complaint with Code Enforcement.

Owners of properties that have received Building Code Violation notices can learn more about the enforcement process, property improvement programs, and other resources on our Private Property Complaints and Code Enforcement Services webpage.

Code Enforcement Services

VIDEO: How to Submit a Building Worksheet (BW)


Contact Us

  • Plan Check Services General Questions: (510) 238-3891
  • Permit Inspection General Questions:
  • Code Enforcement General Questions: (510) 238-3381
  • Visit our Permit & Services Questions Portal for frequently asked questions concerning Planning/Zoning, Building Services or our Online Permit Center.

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