Want to apply for a Cannabis Permit? Be sure to gather the following documents before applying in our new online portal. Gathering these documents in advance will make the application process quicker.

First step is getting registered in the Accela Citizens Access (ACA) portal.  Here are some step by step instructions.

Once registered you can go back to the portal and apply for a cannabis permit.

Required Documents for Cannabis Applicants:

These documents are required for all applicants:

  • First, be sure to complete the live scan form and have your live scan performed at any live scan facility (except OPD!).  You will upload your completed and stamped live scan form to your application for all partners/owners/managers.
  • CEQA Questionnaire - Please complete this form and upload to your application.  This form must be signed off by the property owner!
  • Proof of property ownership/lease agreement or letter of intent to rent/lease/purchase
  • Copy of State Registration for corporate structure (Corp or LLC only)
  • Floor plan
  • Security plan 
  • Odor Mitigation Plan 
  • Community Beautification Plan 

For Delivery and Transporters you will need to provide 

  • Proof of insurance  (the link takes you to a sample of what is required - be sure to share with your insurance agent) or Letter of Intent or "Will Serve"

For Cultivators you will need to provide:

  • Proof of enrollment in the Renewable 100 Program
  • PG & E Load Study Report

For Incubators you will need to provide:

  •  Lease or other contract providing free real estate or rent for a minimum of three years indicating square footage available (minimum of 1,000 square feet) to the Equity Applicant.
  •  Proof of providing required security measures, including camera systems, safes, and alarm systems  for the space utilized by the Equity Applicant.


The Equity Permit Program described under OMC 5.80.045 and OMC 5.81.060 defines an

“Equity Applicant” as an Applicant whose ownership/owner[1]:

1.   Is an Oakland resident; and

2.   Has an annual income at or less than 80 percent of Oakland Average Medium Income (AMI) adjusted for household size (click here for 80 percent Oakland AMI thresholds); and 

3.   Either 

(i) has lived in any combination of Oakland police beats 2X, 2Y, 6X, 7X, 19X, 21X, 21Y, 23X, 26Y, 27X, 27Y, 29X, 30X, 30Y, 31Y, 32X, 33X, 34X, 5X, 8X and 35X for at least ten of the last twenty years 


(ii) was arrested after November 5, 1996 and convicted of a cannabis crime committed in Oakland.

For proof of ownership please provide entity formation documents or documents filed with the California Secretary of State (e.g. articles of incorporation, stock issuance records, operating agreements, partnership agreements). 

[1] “Ownership” shall mean the individual or individuals who:

  1. With respect to for-profit entities, including without limitation corporations partnerships, limited liability companies, has or have an aggregate ownership interest (other than a security interest, lien, or encumbrance) of 50% or more of the entity.
  2. With respect to not for-profit entities, including without limitation a non-profit corporation or similar entity, constitutes or constitute a majority of the board of directors.
  3. With respect to collective has or have a controlling interest in the collective’s governing body.

For proof of income please provide federal tax returns and at least one of the following documents: two months of pay stubs, current Profit and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet or proof of current eligibility for General Assistance, Food Stamps, Medical/CALWORKs or Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability (SSI/SSDI).

For proof of residency a minimum of two of the documents listed below, evidencing 10 years of residency shall be considered acceptable proof of residency.  All residency documents must list the applicant’s first and last name, and the Oakland residence address in applicable police beats. 

 Documents provided in current calendar year will not be considered for proof a year of residency, it can be used for proof of current residency only.

  • California driver's record; or
  • California identification card record; or
  • Property tax billing and payments; or 
  • Verified copies of state or federal income tax returns where an Oakland address is listed as a primary address; or 
  • School records; or
  • Medical records; or
  • Banking records; or
  • Oakland Housing Authority records; or
  • Utility, cable or internet company billing and payment covering any month in each of the ten years.

Proof of Conviction should be demonstrated through Court documents, Probation documents, Department of Corrections or Federal Bureau of Prisons documentation.

Once you gather your qualifying documents noted above, you will upload these to your cannabis permit application.

Contact Us


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza - Suite 123

Phone Numbers

Email Address

Open Hours

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

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