The OAK311 mobile app and SeeClickFix web portal will be down from Thursday February 13th at 7:00 pm to Saturday February 15th at 11:59pm for a software update. During this time, we will only be responding to infrastructure emergencies. To report an infrastructure emergency, please call us by dialing 3-1-1 (if in Oakland) or (510) 615-5566.

Capital Contracts Division

The Capital Contracts Division (CCD) provides contract services for two departments: the Public Works Department (OPW) and the Department of Transportation (OakDOT). Our contracts are only for capital improvement projects, which are projects that improve the infrastructure of City property. These projects are approved by the City Council during the two year budget cycle.

Working with Us

Types of Contracts

We mainly offer two contract types: construction and professional services.

Project Types

We offer contracts for two types of projects: public projects and on-call projects. Public projects are typically valued at or above $250,000 and are available for anyone to apply. On-call projects are for pre-approved vendors who have gone through a vetting process and typically the projects are smaller.

Contract Process Overview

The process for being awarded either a public project or an on-call project, is outlined below. For more details about each process, see their respective sections.

Construction Contracts Professional Services Contracts On-call Contracts
General Public General Public Approved, on-call vendors
Register iSupplier iSupplier
Submit Bid to City Clerk RFP to Capital Contracts RFP to Capital Contracts
Reviewed by Project Manager & Capital Contracts Project Manager & Capital Contracts Project Manager & Capital Contracts
Contract Award Receive award email with contract documents Receive award email with contract documents Task order issued by PM
Contract Executed All signatures received All signatures received All signatures received

Contract Opportunities

Upcoming Projects

Projects listed in Upcoming Projects have received approval, see adopted Fiscal Year 2021-23 Capital Improvement Projects (Fiscal Year 2019-21 Capital Improvement Projects).

Current Projects

Projects listed on isupplier and the CIP List website have received budgetary approval and are currently accepting submissions.

Awarded Contracts

The City of Oakland is committed to making the award of capital contracts a transparent process. As such, we are providing the firm's name and project amount.

Project Types

Public Construction Projects

The award process for public construction projects is outlined below. The City Clerk’s Office receives and opens all bids. Capital Contracts Division reviews bids and awards contracts.

Step 1: Register

During the Shelter in Place, contractors must register with iSupplier to submit their bid. Please visit the Workplace and Employment Standards webpage for complete iSupplier instructions on how to register.

Step 2: Submit Bid

During the Shelter in Place, contractors must register with iSupplier to submit their bid. Vendors submits complete and signed bid documents to the City Clerk’s Office in a sealed envelope. Vendors review a bid book on the Examples page of this site.

  1. Contractor’s Bid form with all information provided
    1. Correct license types and active per CSLB for bidder and subcontractors
    2. Bidder and subcontractors registered with DIR
    3. Confirm all L/SLBE certifications active. No credit if expired.
  2. Bid Schedule(s)
  3. Bid Security Statement
  4. Addenda Acknowledgement
  5. Listing of Principals
  6. Contractor Signature
  7. Schedule O – Campaign Contribution Limits
  8. Schedule R – Subcontractors, Suppliers and Trucking Listing
    1. Meet the L/SLBE participation requirement
    2. Meet the Self-Performance requirement when applicable
    3. List Trucking when required
  9. Schedule W – Border Wall Prohibition
  10. Bid Bond

Step 3: Review and Award

Bid submissions are received and reviewed by Capital Contracts Division (CCD), Compliance and Project Manager (PM). PM reviews bids, compliance analysis, and presents report to the City Council for project which is typically the lowest responsible bid.

Step 4: Contract Execution

Once contract is awarded, CCD will provide contract documents to contractor to complete and return. The following documents are required.

  1. Contract
  2. Combined Schedules
  3. Insurance
  4. W-9
  5. City of Oakland Business Certificate
  6. Equal Benefits Ordinance (EBO) certificate

Step 5: Confirmation

When all documentation is submitted, vendors can expect to hear from CCD whether there are any issues. If there are no issue, CCD will process the contract which typically 4-6 weeks of document submission.

Public Professional Services Projects

The award process for public professional services projects is outlined below. Proposals are submitted to Capital Contracts Division (CCD).

Step 1: Register

All businesses that want to contract with the City must register with iSupplier. Also you may use CIP List for Public Works and DOT projects to receive RFP notifications. Please visit the iSupplier services page for complete instructions on how to register.

Step 2: Submit RFP

Vendors need to include the following documents with their submittal.

  1. Schedule E – Consultant Team Listing
  2. Schedule O – Campaign Contribution Limits
  3. Schedule W – Border Wall Prohibition
  4. Schedule E-2 – Oakland Workforce Verification (optional due within four days of submittal)

Step 3: Review and Award

RFP submissions are received and reviewed by Capital Contracts Division (CCD), Compliance, and Project Manager (PM). Panels may also review proposals. PM reviews bids, compliance analysis, and presents report to the City Council for project. Unlike construction bids, RFPs are not necessarily awarded to the lowest bidder.

Step 4: Contract Execution

Once contract is awarded, CCD will provide contract documents to contractor to complete and return. The following documents are required.

  1. Contract
  2. Combined Schedules
  3. Insurance
  4. W-9
  5. City of Oakland Business Certificate
  6. Equal Benefits Ordinance (EBO) certificate

Step 5: Confirmation

When all documentation is submitted, vendors can expect to hear from CCD whether there are any issues. If there are no issue, CCD will process the contract which typically 4-6 weeks of document submission.

On-Call Projects

On-call projects are for small, local, pre-approved vendors who have gone through a vetting process. These are typically smaller projects and fall into two tiers: projects up to $250,000, and projects beyond $250,000. The On-call projects do not have a specific scope of work. Pre-approved consultants will receive a specific scope of work when task orders are issued.


Sample Solicitations & Contracts

The following are examples of RFP and Bid books. Each book contains sample contracts and schedules.


How do I obtain bid results and subcontractor listings?
These documents will be posted to within 48 hours of the bid opening, in most situations.

How do I obtain a Plan Holders List?
For a complete plan holders list, please consult both and the City's iSupplier site

What does RFQ mean in iSupplier?
iSupplier uses “RFQ” (Request for Qualifications) to refer to Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Bid (RFB), as well as RFQs.

Contact Us

OPW and OAKDOT Project Leads are best equipped to answer questions related to specific bids and RFP/RFQs. However, the Capital Contracts Division team can help answer questions regarding solicitation and contracting.

Contact Capital Contracts at

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