City Homekey & Rapid Response Homeless Housing (R2H2) Program

The City of Oakland Department of Housing and Community Development (City) seeks proposals for the creation of permanent, interim, or transitional housing for people experiencing homelessness through a Request for Proposals (City Homekey RFP).

New to Oakland: Rapid Response Homeless Housing Program (R2H2)

The City has established the Rapid Response Homeless Housing (R2H2) Program. The R2H2 Program will accept proposals similar in nature to Homekey serving individuals and families who are homeless. These proposals will go through a threshold review process to ensure that there is site control, sponsor and/or partner experience to execute on a development, and that there is a plan for funding the development of the property, the ongoing operation of the building, and the delivery of supportive services to the residents.

Once a proposal has met the thresholds, a full application will be requested and reviewed by staff on a periodic, competitive basis. Local funding would be committed to projects based on competitive scoring that will prioritize readiness to house people experiencing homelessness, cost efficiency, and strength of the sponsor and partners to complete the development, manage the properties in a professional manner, and deliver services that ensure positive outcomes for residents.

About the City of Oakland Homekey & R2H2 Request for Proposals (RFP)

Please be informed that the City of Oakland  is extending the deadline for submitting a Full Application in response to the "2024 Request for Proposals, Part 2: Full Application for the Rapid Response Homeless Housing Program (R2H2) and Homekey Round 4" dated Feb. 15, 2024 from May 31, 2024 to July 12, 2024.  The deadline is for those seeking to co-apply with the City on a Homekey 4 application and this extension is based on uncertainty  regarding when a Homekey 4 NOFA will be released.  Submitting proposals before the new deadline is appreciated.

Thank you for your interest in this funding program. Please contact Maryann Leshin ( and Xochitl Ortiz ( with any questions.


  • A State Homekey Round 4 NOFA has not been released yet, and the City is not aware of when that will happen though we expect Spring or Summer 2024.
  • The City selects projects/sponsors to co-apply with to the State Homekey NOFA. The City will be the lead applicant on all Oakland Homekey projects. Teams must co-apply with the City and cannot apply to the State Homekey NOFA outside of the City's RFP process.
  • The City encourages teams to visit the State Homekey webpage for training and other program materials from the last round.
  • If there are proposals that are ready to move forward without Homekey 4 funding, they may be awarded City funds through R2H2.​ If there is no Homekey Round 4 NOFA, the R2H2 Program will move forward independently.
  • If you are a property owner interested in selling or leasing your property to Homekey, please fill out the seller expression of interest form below.

City Homekey & R2H2 RFP

PLEASE NOTE: For this funding opportunity, all applications must be submitted through City Data Services (CDS), the City's on-line database system for affordable housing funding. Paper applications will not be accepted.

To access CDS, please visit, and enter “HOMEKEY2024” as both the username and password. This will bring you to a page where you can create a unique user account/password and begin work on your application.

If your proposal wishes to be considered for Homekey Round 4, you must submit your proposal to this initial application by Thursday, February 29th. Through this application, City Staff will determine if your application meets threshold.

City Homekey & R2H2 RFP: Part Two

After February 29th, City staff will invite applicants that meet threshold to submit a full application to Part Two of the RFP. Part Two is below. A full application will be due on May 31st and will be submitted through City Data Services (CDS).

The full application will only be able to be accessed if you've been invited by City staff to complete the Full Application. Applicants will sign into the same account used for the proposal. If the initial proposal is approved, applicants will receive a link to begin the second phase of the application.

Seller and Sponsor Lists

In order to share information on potential properties and sponsors, the City is accepting Seller and Sponsor Expression of Interest forms. The City will update these responses periodically.

Seller Expression of Interest Form Responses- Updated 8/30/23

Sponsor Expression of Interest Form Responses- Updated 11/21/22 (Please note these responses include submissions from previous RFP's. If you no longer wish to be included please contact us.)

2023-2024 RFP Timeline

  • November 30, 2023

    City of Oakland Homekey & R2H2 RFP released

  • Wednesday, December 13, 2023

    City of Oakland RFP Pre-Application Session

    City staff presented information on the Homekey & R2H2 application process and answered questions.

    Recording of the Meeting Linked HERE. 

    Meeting slides Linked HERE.

    Q&A Document HERE

  • Wednesday, January 24, 2024 12:30-1:30pm

    City of Oakland RFP Pre-Application Session

    City staff presented information on the Homekey & R2H2 application process and answer questions. 

    Meeting slides linked HERE.

    Watch Meeting Recording HERE. Password: q1*+mu?X

  • Thursday, February 29, 2024- 4:00PM

    City of Oakland Homekey RFP responses due to City if proposal wishes to be considered as co-applicant with City for Homekey 4.

  • Tuesday, March 5, 2024- 10:00am

    R2H2 Office Hours

    City of Oakland HCD Staff were present to answer any application questions for the Rapid Response Homeless Housing (R2H2) program.

  • Tuesday, March 12, 2024- 10:00am

    R2H2 Office Hours

    City of Oakland HCD Staff will be present to answer any application questions for the Rapid Response Homeless Housing (R2H2) program. 

  • April 1, 2024

    City informs Applicants whether they have met threshold requirements. If threshold requirements are met, a Full Application will be requested.

  • July 12 2024- 4:00pm - Full Application Due

    Full application proposals to the Homekey Round 4 and R2H2 RFP due to the City.

  • TBD 2024

    State Homekey NOFA released

  • TBD 2024

    City and sponsors submit Homekey applications to State. Recommended Homekey applications and funding requests presented to City Council.

  • TBD 2024

    State awards Homekey funding through NOFA process

2021 & 2022 City Homekey RFP (closed) Archive

An archive of the Homekey 2.0 & Homekey 3.0 City of Oakland RFP/RFQ materials is located in the link below:

2021 Homekey RFP/RFQ (Archived Information)

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