City of Oakland Current General Plan

The City of Oakland’s General Plan serves as the guiding policy document for the City’s future, based on community values and priorities.

NEW! General Plan Update Process

The General Plan Update is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for all Oaklanders to work together to create a visionary blueprint for our City's future over the next two decades. The update will occur in two phases, guided by a set of core principles rooted in equity.

Visit the General Plan Update page for more details.

General Plan Elements

California Law requires specific topics, also called "Elements," to be covered in a general plan (Gov. Code § 65302). Required elements include land use, circulation, housing, conservation, open space, noise, and safety.

About the General Plan

The General Plan is a policy document and establishes a citywide vision and consistent direction for future development. It reflects community priorities, values, and includes supporting goals, policies, and implementation measures to achieve the community's vision.

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