Downtown Oakland Specific Plan (DOSP) - Community Input

Over the past four years, the City has made an effort to engage all Oakland communities in the Downtown Oakland Specific Plan planning process - those living both inside and outside of downtown.


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Community Stakeholders

The Downtown Oakland Specific Plan community process kicked off with a design charrette (a ten-day hands-on workshop and open studio) open to the public in fall of 2015, and has continued with other big community meetings, surveys, and smaller meetings with community organizations, neighborhood groups and individual stakeholders.

Additionally, the following groups provide input into the Plan:

  • Community Advisory Group. The Community Advisory Group is comprised of representative from a variety of fields who provide technical knowledge on issues such as urban design and real estate development, feasibility, as well as larger housing organizations and business improvement districts. Additionally, the group includes representatives of the local neighborhood groups, artist community, as well as youth, health and advocacy organizations to help direct the policies and decisions of Plan Downtown. This single group replaces the former “Technical Advisory Group” and the “Community Stakeholder Group.”
  • Targeted Stakeholder Groups. During the design charrette, community representatives participated in focus groups targeted to specific topics. Representatives of communities and organizations addressing these topics have been included in other meetings throughout the process. Topics include:
    • Housing (affordable & market-rate)
    • Transportation
    • Arts and culture
    • Youth
    • People with disabilities
    • Local business

To share your thoughts, please email the team at

Community Input

The City has compiled and summarized thousands of comments received from the public, including boards and commissions. Analysis of these comments will help inform the draft specific plan. To read the summaries of community feedback received at specific meetings, click here: Past Meetings.

Final Draft Plan and Zoning Amendments (2022-2024)

Draft Plan (August 2019)

Preliminary Draft Plan (January 2019)

Older Adults and People With Disabilities Survey Results

Creative Solutions Labs & Neighborhood Design Sessions (January - February 2018)

Youth Input from Y-PLAN, Youth Summit, and Youth Service Providers (2016-2018)

Social Equity Working Group Meetings (July - August 2017)

Expanded Equity Community Engagement (Spring 2017)

Mobile Mapping (August 2016-2018)

Alternatives Report (January - August 2016)

Project Kickoff and Existing Conditions Research (September 2015 - January 2016)

Oakland School for the Arts Student Input

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