CORE Program Volunteer Opportunities

A Disaster Service Worker Volunteer [DSW-V] is a person who is trained to support specific disaster response activities. The CORE program is how the Oakland Emergency Services Management Division [EMSD] recruits and develops DSW Volunteers who are interested in joining City Staff in support of an emergency response.

Affiliated CORE program DSW Volunteers support professional first responders by training to become:

Volunteer Position Required Training
  • A CORE Program Community Ambassador*
  • A DSW-V Mentor/Liaison*
  • Emergency Respite Center Staff*
  • An Emergency Preparedness & Response Training Aide*
  • CORE Program Project Assistant*
  • An Emergency Operations Center [EOC] Aide*

Please Note: an * after a position title indicates that additional training and/or a background check is required. If you have questions about current volunteer opportunities, email:

Volunteer Interest Form

Please fill out this volunteer interest form. If an opportunity comes up that matches your interest, we'll reach out!


If you are interested in volunteering for the CORE program, please email:

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