District Development

With funding commitments from the City of Oakland and grant funding from the US Department of Transportation, Transportation Commissions of the State of California and Alameda County, the City, in cooperation with the Port of Oakland, is leveraging significant private investment to transform the former Oakland Army Base into a modern logistics center and mixed-use redevelopment. This redevelopment will benefit the local, county-wide and regional jurisdictions by creating: (1) new public infrastructure and (2) private development that together will provide new jobs, fiscal returns and improve the local and regional transportation system.

City Public Infrastructure Overview

To enable redevelopment, in 2019 the City, with funding from its Federal, State, Regional partners, completed an extensive public improvement project that remediated the soil and rebuilt the roads, infrastructure and bike paths and prepared the sites for development. In total, the public improvements project at the Gateway Industrial District created 14,760 linear feet of road improvements and associated utilities, including 7,803 linear feet of new Class 1 bike/pedestrian trails, 8,210 linear feet of Class 2 bike trails, 8,648 linear feet of new pedestrian sidewalks, and 3 rail crossings, connecting the City and the Port to the future Gateway Park and integrating the former base into the multimodal transportation fabric of the City.

Public Infrastructure Funding and Construction Timeline

  • In 2011 and 2012, the City of Oakland committed approximately $45 million dollars for planning, pre-development and construction of Public Improvements;
  • In 2012, the U.S. Department of Transportation awarded a Tiger 2 Planning Grant in the amount of approximately $1.6 million dollars towards the development of the approved site-wide master planning effort;
  • In 2013, the State of California, California Transportation Commission approved a $176.3 million dollar Trade and Corridor Improvement Fund (TCIF) grant for the construction of Public Improvements at the former Oakland Army Base;
  • In 2013, the City initiated the construction of the public infrastructure
  • In 2016, the Alameda County Transportation Commission approved a $41 million dollar grant for the construction of Public Roadway Improvements at the former Oakland Army Base.
  • In 2018, the Alameda County Transportation Commission approved a $5 million dollar grant for the construction of truck parking lot.
  • In 2019, the City completed the public infrastructure project.
  • In 2019, the City activated the Community Facilities District to maintain the new infrastructure.

Bike Paths and Bay Trail Access

Bay Trail at the Gateway Industrial District
Bay Trail at the Gateway Industrial District

Key development objectives of the public improvements in the Gateway Industrial District were to provide access to waterfront public areas, promote the extension of the Bay Trail system with public access to the Bay Bridge isthmus and to promote pedestrian-friendly environments to provide pleasant places for workers and visitors. To achieve these objectives, bike and pedestrian paths were constructed that connect the District to the Bay Trail and Bay Bridge.

New Streets & Utilities

As part of the public infrastructure work at the Gateway Industrial District, several roadways have been improved and rebuilt to meet current standards. Maritime Street was improved with intersection controls, bicycle/pedestrian paths, repaving and landscaping. Burma Road west of Maritime Street was extended to the western edge of the Gateway Industrial District. The portion of the roadway closest to Maritime Street was realigned to comply with standard traffic safety regulations for distances between intersections and create usable parcels south of West Grand Avenue. A new section of Burma Road was constructed from Maritime Street east to the vicinity of West Grand Avenue.

The Gateway Industrial District also includes rail crossings and plans for new rail lines to connect to the adjacent rail yard constructed by the Port of Oakland and support maritime uses.

New utility systems, such as water distribution, wastewater collection, stormwater collection, gas distribution, electrical systems, security, telecommunications and similar systems, were constructed to serve the development.

Private Improvements

Distribution, Warehousing and Logistics

Prologis, the global leader in industrial real estate development and logistics, is nearing completion of its portion of the nearly one million square foot master planned, Oakland Global Trade and Logistics Center at the Gateway Industrial District. Phase I, 256,000-square foot building, was completed in August 2017. Phase II, 232,000-square foot building, was completed in June 2019. Phase III, 190,000-square foot building will be completed by the end of 2020.

For more information, visit the Prologis website: www.prologis.com and Distribution, Warehousing and Logistics Facilities page.

Prologis before
Prologis before
Prologis after
Prologis after


The City is working with two recyclers to relocate their recycling operations to the Gateway Industrial District. For more information, visit the Recycling Facilities Page.

Maritime-Related Uses

The City’s redevelopment plan includes providing ancillary maritime services and a bulk marine terminal. For more information, visit the Maritime Services Page.

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