The OAK311 mobile app and SeeClickFix web portal will be down from Thursday February 13th at 7:00 pm to Saturday February 15th at 11:59pm for a software update. During this time, we will only be responding to infrastructure emergencies. To report an infrastructure emergency, please call us by dialing 3-1-1 (if in Oakland) or (510) 615-5566.

District Map Proposals

As of January 26, 2022, Draft Map F4 was modified during a live mapping session to become Draft Map F5.

Learn More About the Draft Map Proposals

The Oakland Redistricting Commission is tasked with adopting the new district boundaries for City Council and School Board of Directors districts by December 31, 2021. District map proposals considered by the Commission will be shared on this webpage. If you would like to engage with the Commission, you can submit written comments using their online survey. For upcoming meeting dates and times please visit:

All references to "traditional criteria" include equal population, contiguous and compact geographic areas that respect natural boundaries and neighborhoods, and does not consider incumbents or political party affiliations. Additionally, the category "other" is a representation of Statistical Remainder not otherwise broken out. This category is predominantly comprised of persons who responded White to the Census' primary ethnicity question, but does include fractions of both the Census' AiAN (American Indian Alaska Native) and HoPI (Hawaiian or Pacific Islander) designations. This statistical comparison field contains populations that are either not protected classes or that have populations too small to reasonably use in the study of VRA protections.

The current district boundaries were adopted in 2013, click here to see the current district map.

Direction from the Redistricting Commission

At its meeting on October 13, 2021, the Redistricting Commissioners voted to prioritize review and consideration of Draft Map B and Draft Map D. A recording of the meeting can be viewed here.

At its meeting on November 1, 2021, the Redistricting Commissioners voted to reconsider Draft Map A, and requested four new maps be created: Draft Map E, Draft Map F, Draft Map G, and Draft Map H. A recording of the meeting can be viewed here.

At its meeting on November 15, 2021, the Redistricting Commissioners voted and requested at least two new maps be created: Draft Map I and Draft Map J. The Commission's technical consultants also created Draft Map K based on the Commission's requests. A recording of the meeting can be viewed here.

At its meeting on December 1, 2021, the Redistricting Commissioners voted to remove from consideration Draft Map A, Draft Map B, Draft Map C, and Draft Map D. Commissioners also requested to see Draft Maps E - K with an overlay of OUSD schools. Files for each map have been updated accordingly and a summary file showing all school locations by draft map proposal can be accessed here. A recording of the meeting can be viewed here.

At its meeting on December 8, 2021, the Redistricting Commissioners voted to remove from consideration Draft Map E, Draft Map G and Draft Map J. The Commissioners continued to work on prioritizing elements of Draft Map F, Draft Map H, Draft Map I and Draft Map K based on public input. This prioritizing of remaining maps resulted in the consultant producing Draft Map F2, Draft Map H2, Draft I2 and Draft Map K2. A list of Commissioner priorities can be found here. A recording of the meeting can be viewed here.

At its meeting on December 13, 2021, the Redistricting Commission voted to eliminate all draft maps except Draft Map F3 and Draft Map K3. These maps were derived from Draft Map F2 and Draft Map K2 during the live mapping session.

At its meeting on December 30, 2021, the Redistricting Commission failed to adopt a final map and therefore a map could not be chosen for final adoption before the December 31, 2021 deadline. The Commission will continue to meet until a final map is adopted.

At its meeting on January 5, 2022, the Redistricting Commission voted to continue to revise Draft Map F3 and reject Draft Map K3. The simple majority vote makes Draft Map F3 the only map under consideration for final adoption.

At its meeting on January 22, 2022, the Redistricting Commission continued to revise Draft Map F3 resulting in Draft Map F4. The Commission then voted to continue live mapping of Draft Map F4 during its next meeting scheduled for January 26, 2022.

At its meeting on January 26, 2022, the Redistricting Commission continued to revise Draft Map F4 resulting in Draft Map F5. A summary of the changes occurring during live mapping can be accessed here. The Commission voted to move Draft Map F5 to final adoption. Draft Map F5 will be available for the required 14-day public review period beginning on February 1, 2022.

Map Proposals

Posted on January 29, 2022

Draft Map F5 is a result of modifications made to Draft Map F4 and is the final proposed map, the Commission rejected all other maps.

Draft Map F5

Draft Map F5 with current boundaries

Draft Map F5 with current boundaries large

Draft Map F5 with neighborhoods

Draft Map F5 with neighborhoods large

Draft Map F5 with schools

Draft Map F5 with schools large

Draft Map F5 interactive/online

Draft Map F4 is a result of modifications made to Draft Map F3, the Commission rejected all other maps.

Draft Map F4

Draft Map F4 with neighborhoods

Draft Map F4 with current district lines

Draft Map F4 interactive/online map

The following Commissioners submitted proposed changes to Draft Map F3 and may discuss these changes at its next meeting. Please click on the link next to the Commissioners name to review their proposed change.

Draft Map F3 Mods

Chair Gangas - Draft Map F3 Mod with Rationale Co-Vice Chair Miller - Draft Map F3 Mod with Rationale Commissioner Goode - Draft Map F3 Mod with Rationale Commissioner Crowell - Draft Map F3 Mod with Rationale Commissioner Gee - Draft Map F3 Mod - Rationale Commissioner Hamidi - Draft Map F3 Mod with Rationale Alternative Commissioner Chesmore - Rationale

Draft Map F3 (posted December 13, 2021)

Draft Plan F3 was developed during live line drawing during the Oakland Independent Redistricting Commission Meeting on December 13th. The following are the general descriptions of changes made by district between Draft Plan F and Draft Plan F3.

District A1 – The boundary of this district was moved from 580 up to 40th St from the city border to 980 and then down to 38th St to Broadway south to 580, this moved a portion of Mosswood into District C3, unified Hoover Foster in C3, and placed a portion of Longfellow in C3. The eastern portion of the Adams Point Neighborhood was also moved into C3. The Mountain View Cemetery was also moved from District D4 to District A1.

District B2 – The eastern border of this district was changed, moving the border to Grande Vista Rd/ 24th Ave between E. 27th St to Foothill Blvd. Also, a portion of the waterfront was moved into E5.

District C3 – This boundary of this district was moved north up to 40th St from the city border to 980 and up to 38th St to Broadway south to 580. Further all of the Adams Point Neighborhood was unified in this district.

District D4 – Beyond the changes described above, no other changes were made.

District E5 – Beyond the changes described above, the southwestern border of the district was moved southeast to 47th Ave below International Blvd and over to High St, making changes to District F6 as well.

District F6 - Beyond the changes described above, the southeast border of this district was moved southeast to Hegenberger from San Leandro St. to the 880, changing District G7 as well.

District G7 - Beyond the changes described above, no other changes were made.

Draft Map F3

Draft Map F3 with neighborhoods

Draft Map F3 with current district lines

Draft Map F3 interactive/online map

Draft Map K3

Draft Plan K3 was developed during live line drawing during the Oakland Independent Redistricting Commission Meeting on December 13th. To The following are the general descriptions of changes made by district between Draft Plan K and Draft Plan K3.

District A1 – The south boundary of this district would move north up to 40th St from the city border to 980 and up to 38th St to Broadway south to 580 and track to the Lakeshore Neighborhood border, also affecting District C3 and D4. This change results in unifying the Grand Lake Neighborhood and most of the Lakeshore Neighborhood in District A1.

District B2 – The western boundary’s boundary shifts westward to encompass Lake Merritt, most of Lakeside Neighborhood, and the southeastern portion of the Adams Point Neighborhood, also affecting District C3. Further, the northern border comes south to use the 580 line, with its eastern border shifted further east to include the Tuxedo Neighborhood and use the Grande Vista Rd/ 24th Ave between E. 27th St to Foothill Blvd.

District C3 – Beyond the changes described above, there are no further changes.

District D4 – Beyond the changes described above, the western border is a new line, placing the Temescal Regional Recreation Area into D4 and splitting the Upper Rockridge Neighborhood between A1 and D4. The district’s southwestern border also shifts west, to pickup the Crocker Highlands Neighborhood and the Trestle Glen Neighborhood from A1.

District E5 – Beyond the changes described above, the western border shift westward to run along the creek west of Fruitvale Ave from the 580 to E 27th St. Further, the western and northern border continues north above 580 to encompass the Dimond Neighborhood and most of the Upper Dimond Neighborhood and most of the Upper Laurel Neighborhood. The southern district uses High Street down to Congress Ave to 51st Ave down to International and back to High St to the city boarder.

District F6 – Beyond the changes described above, the changes to E5 results in the Upper Laurel Neighborhood east of High St being placed in F6. Further, the Fremont Neighborhood east of High Street is also moved from E5 into F6. Also, Hegenberger becomes the southeastern border between International and San Leandro St. This district also adds the Toler Heights and Oak Knoll Golf Links Neighborhoods whole.

District G7 – Beyond the changes described above, this district adds Sequoyah, the Knowland State Arboretum and Park, Grass Valley, Chabot Park, and Sheffield Village Neighborhoods.

Draft Map K3

Draft Map K3 with neighborhoods

Draft Map K3 with current district lines

Draft Map K3 interactive/online map

The maps below were used to develop the maps F3 and K3:

Draft Map F2

Draft Map F2

Draft Map F2 with neighborhoods

Draft Map F2 with current district lines

Draft Map F2 with interactive/online map

Draft Map H2

Draft Map H2

Draft Map H2 with neighborhoods

Draft Map H2 with current district lines

Draft Map H2 with interactive/online map

Draft Map I2

Draft Map I2

Draft Map I2 with neighborhoods

Draft Map I2 with current district lines

Draft Map I2 with interactive/online map

Draft Map K2

Draft Map K2

Draft Map K2 with neighborhoods

Draft Map K2 with current district lines

Draft Map K2 with interactive/online map

Posted on November 29, 2021

Draft Map K

The Commission's consultants produced Draft Map K using the following criteria:

  • Uses Draft Map H as a guideline.
  • Keeps the Black Cultural Zone intact.
  • Unifies Dimond, Laurel, Allendale, and Bartlett neighborhoods into one district in a predominately "flats" district. Note: Draft Map K was produced to satisfy this requirement from the Commission.

Draft Map K

Draft Map K with neighborhoods

Draft Map K with current district lines

Draft Map K with schools

Draft Map K interactive/online map

Draft Map I

The Commission requested the following criteria be included in Draft Map I:

  • Uses Draft Map E as a guideline.
  • Keeps the Black Cultural Zone intact.
  • Unifies Dimond, Laurel, Allendale, and Bartlett neighborhoods into one district in a predominantly "hills" district.

Draft Map I

Draft Map I with neighborhoods

Draft Map I with current district lines

Draft Map I with schools

Draft Map I interactive/online map

Posted on November 10, 2021

Draft Map H

The Commission requested the following criteria be included in Draft Map H:

  • Uses Draft Map D as a guideline.
  • Makes the density of each district closer to average (closer than allowed deviation), adjusted for economic, racial diversity, includes business districts, environmental areas/parks without diluting the relative voting strength of communities of interest.
  • Keeps other neighborhoods intact as requested by the public, including:
    • Glenview
    • District 2 (current district lines)
    • Rockridge
    • West Oakland
    • Dimond
    • Lake Merritt (area around Lake Merritt shore)
    • Piedmont Pines
  • Note on the new map that Draft Map D was used as a guideline.
  • Changes the map identification from letters to a a letter plus number format:
    • A=A1, B=B2, C=C3, D=D4, E=E5, F=F6, G=G7.

Draft Map H

Draft Map H with neighborhoods

Draft Map H with current district lines

Draft Map H with schools

Draft Map H interactive/online map

Draft Map F

The Commission requested the following criteria be included in Draft Map F:

  • Uses Draft Map A as a guideline
  • Does not include a hills-only district
  • Makes the density of each district closer to average (closer than allowed deviation), adjusted for economic, racial diversity, includes business districts, environmental areas/parks without diluting the relative voting strength of communities of interest.
  • Changes the map identification from letters to a letter plus number format:
    • A=A1, B=B2, C=C3, D=D4, E=E5, F=F6, G=G7.

Draft Map F

Draft Map F with neighborhoods

Draft Map F with current district lines

Draft Map F with schools

Draft Map F interactive/online map

Maps Removed from Consideration

At its meeting on December 1, 2021, the Redistricting Commissioners voted to remove from consideration Draft Map A, Draft Map B, Draft Map C, and Draft Map D. A recording of the meeting can be viewed here. No action will be taken on the following maps.

At its meeting on December 8, 2021, the Redistricting Commissioners voted to remove from consideration Draft Map E, Draft Map G and Draft Map J. A recording of the meeting can be viewed here.

Posted on November 29, 2021

Draft Map J

The Commission requested the following criteria be included in Draft Map J:

  • Uses Draft Map E as a guideline.
  • Keeps the Black Cultural Zone intact.
  • Unifies Dimond, Laurel, Allendale, and Bartlett neighborhoods into one district in a predominantly "flats" district. Note: This requirement became challenging due to other criteria used to create Draft Map J. Therefore, the Commission's consultants developed Draft Map K for consideration.

Draft Map J

Draft Map J with neighborhoods

Draft Map J with current district lines

Draft Map J with schools

Draft Map J interactive/online map

Posted on November 10, 2021

Draft Map G

The Commission requested the following criteria be included in Draft Map G:

  • Uses Draft Map B as a guideline.
  • Makes the density of each district closer to average (closer than allowed deviation), adjusted for economic, racial diversity, includes business districts, environmental areas/parks without diluting the relative voting strength of communities of interest.
  • Keeps other neighborhoods intact as requested by the public, including:
    • Glenview
    • District 2 (current district lines)
    • Rockridge
    • West Oakland
    • Dimond
    • Lake Merritt (area around Lake Merritt shore)
    • Piedmont Pines
  • Note on the new map that Draft Map B was used as a guideline.
  • Changes the map identification from letters to a a letter plus number format:
    • A=A1, B=B2, C=C3, D=D4, E=E5, F=F6, G=G7.

Draft Map G

Draft Map G with neighborhoods

Draft Map G with current district lines

Draft Map G with schools

Draft Map G interactive/online map

Draft Map E

The Commission requested the following criteria be included in Draft Map E:

  • Does not include a hills-only district.
  • Keeps other neighborhoods intact as requested by the public, including:
    • Glenview
    • District 2 (current district lines)
    • Rockridge
    • West Oakland
    • Dimond
    • Lake Merritt (area around Lake Merritt shore)
    • Piedmont Pines
  • Makes the density of each district closer to average (closer than allowed deviation), adjusted for economic, racial diversity, includes business districts, environmental areas/parks without diluting the relative voting strength of communities of interest.
    • Keeps an influence level of 30%.

Draft Map E

Draft Map E with neighborhoods

Draft Map E with current district lines

Draft Map E with schools

Draft Map E interactive/online map

Posted on October 14, 2021

Draft Map D with current district lines - using traditional criteria but not beginning with the existing district boundaries as the starting basis. Draft map also factors communities of interest testimony received by the Commission.

Draft Map D with neighborhoods - using traditional criteria but not beginning with the existing district boundaries as the starting basis. Draft map also factors communities of interest testimony received by the Commission.

Draft Map B with current district lines - minimal changes to the existing district boundaries using traditional criteria and factoring communities of interest testimony received by the Commission.

Draft Map B with neighborhoods - minimal changes to the existing district boundaries using traditional criteria and factoring communities of interest testimony received by the Commission.

Interactive/online maps - follow each link to view online versions of the four initial map proposals:

Posted on October 11, 2021

Draft Map D - using traditional criteria but not beginning with the existing district boundaries as the starting basis. Draft map also factors communities of interest testimony received by the Commission.

Draft Map C - using traditional criteria but not beginning with the existing district boundaries as the starting basis.

Draft Map B - minimal changes to the existing district boundaries using traditional criteria and factoring communities of interest testimony received by the Commission.

Draft Map A - minimal changes to the existing district boundaries using traditional criteria.


To learn more about the Oakland Redistricting Commission visit

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