East Oakland Transportation Resource Center

The place for East Oaklanders to see everything transportation related going on in your neighborhood

Planning for Transportation Projects in East Oakland

Oakland's Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

Capital projects improve and maintain Oakland’s public buildings and spaces. They can range from building new recreation centers to restoring aging fire stations to repaving streets. Provide critical input during the CIP process to invest in improving our neighborhood structures. When, how, and where this happens depends on you!

East Oakland Mobility Action Plan
The goal of the East Oakland Mobility Action Plan (East Oak MAP) is to work with the East Oakland residents, to identify which transportation routes provide access and opportunity to jobs, education, recreation, and services. The Plan will identify gaps and needs for transit, pedestrian, and bicycle facilities to prioritize transportation projects and identify funding for projects. Key Corridors we are considering include: 14 St, Bancroft Ave, 73rd Ave, and Hegenberger Rd

Citywide Projects

Oakland Slow Streets

Have you seen cones and barricades closing streets to through traffic? Since April, the Slow Streets Program has been installing “soft closures" using cones, barriers, and signs so that people can more comfortably use these low-traffic streets for physically distant walking, wheelchair rolling, jogging, biking, roller skating, scootering, and more.
In May the City added the Slow Streets: Essential Places approach the program, making intersection improvements to support residents’ safe access to essential services such as grocery stores, food distribution sites and COVID-19 test sites.

Flex Streets

The City of Oakland will waive all fees and is streamlining permitting for business’ use of public rights-of-way, including sidewalks and parking lanes, to align with Alameda County’s updated Shelter-in-Place Order allowing outdoor dining and other merchant activities, under a new program called Flex Streets.

Upcoming Paving

Wondering which streets near your are going to be paved soon? On this page you can see the streets currently scheduled to be paved during the next three months (August - October 2020) as part of the 2019 3-Year Paving Plan. The list is provided for information purposes only and is subject to change. This page is updated on a monthly basis.

OakDOT Active Major Improvements Project Map

Here you can see a map that provides information on OakDOT’s active major projects, including: Major Capital Projects, Paving Projects, and Bicycle Projects.

Transportation Projects in East Oakland

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