Frequently Asked Questions

Questions for our office? Check out our FAQ page to review our office's responses to common questions.

How was Oakland's Office of the Inspector General (OIG) established?

In November 2020, 81% of Oakland voters approved of Measure S1, establishing the OIG as an independent civilian oversight agency tasked with auditing OPD's operations and procedures.

What is the mission of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG)?

The mission of the OIG is to ensure accountability, enhance community trust, and increase transparency via fair and thorough assessments of OPD’s compliance with the law and departmental policies.

What is the difference between the Community Police Review Agency (CPRA) and the Office of the Inspector General (OIG)?

The OIG audits OPD's policies, practices, and procedures. We produce reports that include recommendations on how OPD can ensure departmental compliance with a given policy.

The CPRA investigates community members' complaints of OPD misconduct. They provide recommendations on disciplinary actions when there are sustained findings of misconduct.

What recommendations has the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) made to the Police Commission (PC)?

The OIG recommended that OPD’s Internal Affairs Division and the Community Police Review Agency (CPRA) should immediately discontinue their practice of sharing draft investigative reports. As it relates to Oakland's oversight body, CPRA is tasked with providing civilian investigations of OPD's Class 1 use of force cases, which must remain independent.

Our office also recommended that CPRA develop Standard Operating Procedures to establish clear governing processes for future investigations.

I saw that the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released a report on the development and implementation of an OPD mediation program. What is a mediation program?

Mediation is a form of dispute resolution that allows space for impacted parties to meet and discuss ways to resolve a problem. An effective OPD mediation program would provide a community member and the subject officer the opportunity to safely and directly discuss the resident’s complaint, via a third-party mediator.

Does the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) have standard operating procedures (SOPs)?

Yes! The OIG’s first iteration of SOPs are available on our webpage. As a new department, our office's SOPs are in a living document that we look forward to building upon in the future.

Does the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) have administrative subpoena power?

No, the OIG does not have administrative subpoena power. The Oakland Police Commission is the only police oversight entity within the City of Oakland that has administrative subpoena power.

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