Heavy-Duty Truck Parking Rules

The City of Oakland’s heavy-duty truck parking rules seek to reduce the impact of transport trucks on local streets. This page contains information on heavy-duty truck parking rules and idling, resources for finding truck parking for truck operators, information on how to report a violation and truck parking ticket data.

Summary of Heavy-Duty Truck Parking Rules

Truck examples
Truck examples

What is a “heavy duty truck” subject to truck parking rules?

Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) regulates trucks as “commercial vehicles” over 10,000 pounds (OMC 10. 28.120) and “commercial vehicles” over 22 feet in length (OMC 10.28.145). U.S. Dept. of Energy provides an illustration of truck classes based on gross vehicle weight rating. Oakland truck parking rules apply to truck classes 3-8.

Where is truck parking is allowed?

Citywide (excluding West Oakland), parking trucks is prohibited in residential districts and restricted where signs are posted that specifically prohibit or limit truck and trailer parking, OMC 10.28.120. In West Oakland, special truck parking rules apply. Truck parking is prohibited in West Oakland except where signs are posted that specifically allow truck parking, OMC 10.28.145 (Ordinance No. 13686). Unattached trailers are prohibited from parking on city streets except while loading and unloading, effective citywide, OMC 10.28.160.

Idling Rules

Idling diesel trucks create toxic air pollution, contribute to global warming, and waste costly fuel. Heavy-duty trucks (10,000 pounds or more) are prohibited from idling for more than 5 minutes in California. See California Air Resources Board for additional information.

How can I find truck parking locations?

  1. SecureSpace. An app with on-demand access to truck parking yard space for the trucking community. https://secur.space/
  2. ABM - Seaport Truck Parking/Container Depot. ABM Industry Groups, LLC, currently manages the Port of Oakland’s facility for truck parking and related container storage/staging. ABM, 1195 Middle Harbor Rd. #C, Oakland, CA 94607 | (510) 834-1500 (Office)
  3. Gateway Industrial District. The City offers truck parking on a month-to-month basis at the Ancillary Maritime Services site, accessible from Burma Road near the Port of Oakland. Owner-operators and small operations needing no more than 3-4 spaces may contact OakDOT's Parking & Mobility Division by emailing Michael Ford at mford@oaklandca.gov.

How to report a violation?

What should I do if? How to report?

Someone is parking a heavy-duty truck on my street

Call the Parking Services Division:(510) 238-3099

Someone is parking the cab to a heavy-duty truck on my street

Call the Parking Services Division:(510) 238-3099

My neighbor owns a business and is storing heavy-duty trucks

Call Code Enforcement: (510) 238-3381 or bbcode-inspect@oaklandca.gov for land use and business violations

Heavy-duty trucks are idling on my street

  1. Call the Bay Area Air Quality Management District complaint line 1-800-334-ODOR (1-800-334-6367) for idling trucks, or submit a complaint online https://www.baaqmd.gov/online-services/air-pollution-complaints
  2. Call CARB’s 1-800-END-SMOG (1-800-363-7664) complaint hotline, or submit a complaint online at https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/our-work/programs/environmental-complaints/complaints-idling-vehicles

Heavy-duty trucks are driving on my residential street

Call Oakland Police Department (510) 777-8615

Reporting Progress: How many truck parking tickets are issued for heavy-duty trucks?

The truck parking regulations were updated in April 2022. Evaluating truck parking ticket data is one way to gauge effectiveness of truck parking regulations. As fewer trucks park illegally, fewer tickets will be issued.

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