Measure DD Community Coalition

About the Measure DD Community Coalition

The Measure DD Community Coalition provides oversight, input, feedback, and recommendations to project staff on organizing, prioritizing, and spending for DD projects. The Coalition assists with applications for supplemental funding.

This Coalition was authorized by Oakland City Council in 2003 as "an inclusive coalition of Oaklanders and organizations interested in the implementation of Measure DD."

All are welcome to participate. Find details about upcoming meetings below.

Measure DD Community Coalition's Statement of Purpose
adopted at its April 12, 2003 meeting.

What is Measure DD?

In 2002, Oakland voters passed Measure DD, authorizing $198,250,000 in bonds to create the Oakland Trust for Clean Water and Safe Parks, whose purpose is to “improve water quality, provide educational and recreational facilities for children, clean up Lake Merritt, restore Oakland’s creeks, waterfront and Estuary, preserve and acquire open space, renovate parks, provide safe public spaces, and provide matching funds to quality for state and federal funding for these projects.”


The Measure DD Community Coalition meets from 7pm-9pm on the fourth Monday night in January and the third Monday night in March, May, July, September, and November. The meetings are open to individuals and organizations who desire to participate in the program.

Until further notice, meetings will be held remotely at the link and call-in information below

Video conference link

Meeting ID: 860 2977 3208
Passcode: 947363
One tap mobile
+16694449171,,86029773208# US
+16699006833,,86029773208# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 860 2977 3208

Stay in Touch: Listserv and Liaison

Measure DD Community Coalition listserv is the way to stay in touch with the Coalition and hear about upcoming meetings and other information.

To contact the Coalition with meeting agenda suggestions (by the Wednesday prior to the meeting), questions or comments about Measure DD planning or projects write to

Upcoming Meeting

Latest News and Updates

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Coalition Document Archive

Other Ways to Help

Measure DD projects are constructed with grants and general obligation bond funds, but by law these funds cannot be used for ongoing maintenance and operation costs. Existing City of Oakland Public Works staff have been reduced, so volunteer groups have stepped forward to help maintain the wonderful improvements from Measure DD.


The Measure DD Community Coalition provides oversight, input, feedback, and recommendations to project staff on organizing, prioritizing, and spending for DD projects. The Coalition assists with applications for supplemental funding.

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