Oakland General Plan Update | Land Use and Transportation Element (LUTE)

About the Land Use and Transportation Element (LUTE)

The LUTE aims to do the following through land use policies and zoning strategies:

  1. Create more livable and walkable neighborhoods where folks have access to the things they want and need, like grocery stores, arts & entertainment, retail, libraries, and parks.
  2. Build a transportation system where everyone has access to safe and reliable options to get them where they need to go.
  3. Support a strong economic base in the city, including future industries and small businesses.
Banner showing four small images 1) people at an outdoor market, 2) harbor of boats, 3) crowd of people on scraper bikes, 4) AC transit bus
Banner showing four small images 1) people at an outdoor market, 2) harbor of boats, 3) crowd of people on scraper bikes, 4) AC transit bus

Current LUTE

Project Timeline

  • Fall 2024 - Phase 2 Kickoff

    Phase 2 Virtual and In-person Kickoff Events

  • Spring 2025

    Release of Draft Land Use Alternatives

  • Fall 2026

    Anticipated Adoption of Phase 2 Elements

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