2023 - 2031 Housing Element Update

The Housing Element is part of Oakland’s General Plan that serves as a blueprint for housing the City’s residents, at all economic levels including low income and households with special needs.

Latest News

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) found Oakland's 2023-2031 Adopted Housing Element in full compliance with State Housing Element Law (Article 10.6 of the Gov. Code) on February 17, 2023. Please find HCD's full compliance letter here.

What is the Housing Element?

The Housing Element is one of the required elements of the General Plan. It will identify policy direction to meet the housing needs of the City, both by preserving existing homes and by clarifying priorities for new construction. The plan will include an overview of housing policies and programs and will identify locations that can accommodate future housing.

The Housing Element was last updated in 2015 and is now being updated with public input to reflect the recent housing opportunities, challenges, and approaches that have emerged in the Oakland community, as well as to comply with new state laws.

For more information, please review the Housing Element FAQ.

City Releases 2023-2031 Housing Element Public Hearing Draft

On Tuesday, November 29, 2022, the City of Oakland released the 2023-2031 Housing Element Public Hearing Draft. The City revised the Housing Element in response to ongoing community feedback and to fulfill requirements for compliance with state law.

The Public Hearing Draft includes several new components: an executive summary; a substantially updated Chapter 4: Housing Action Plan; Appendix J: Proposed Rezoning Changes; 4. Appendix K: City of Oakland Response to the Findings Letter from State HCD, dated 9/28/22; Appendix L: Response to Public Comments; and more.

The Housing Element Public Hearing Draft was also shared with State Housing and Community Development (State HCD) department on November 29, 2022. Pursuant to AB 215, the Housing Element Public Hearing Draft was formally submitted to State HCD on December 7, 2022, after the seven-day public review period (Nov. 30 to Dec. 6).

After the seven-day public review period, the Housing Element Public Hearing Draft was available for public comment and feedback until December 29, 2022. Comment letters received after December 6, 2022, were forwarded to State HCD at the time the comments are received. A total of 54 comment letters and emails were received between November 29, 2022 - December 29, 2022, and will be included as a supplemental document to the agenda reports for the Planning Commission and City Council public hearings beginning in January 2023.

There are several ways to comment on the 2023-2031 Housing Element before it is adopted by City Council in early 2023:

  1. Email feedback to: generalplan@oaklandca.gov.
  2. Participate in community events posted on our website.
  3. Attend upcoming public hearings on the Housing Element, beginning in January 2023.
    1. Planning Commission – Jan. 11, 2023 at 3 pm
    2. Community and Economic Development Committee – Jan. 24, 2023 at 2 pm
    3. Special Meeting of Oakland City Council –Jan. 31, 2023 at 1:30 pm

2023-2031 Housing Element Documents

New Video Outlines Housing Element Goals & Ways to Provide Feedback


  • Summary of Housing Element
  • Brief interviews with Oakland leaders & community members
  • How to provide feedback on the new Housing Element draft

New Voices on Housing Series - Spotlighting Community Views on Housing

Draft Housing Element Documents

Draft Housing Element: Timeline of Development

  • May 12, 2022 - June 13, 2022 - First Draft of Housing Element Available for Public Comment

    As required by AB 215, the first Draft Housing Element was available for a 30-day public review period, before incorporating public comments and sending the revised first draft to HCD.

  • June 30, 2022 - Draft Housing Element Sent to HCD for Review

    City staff incorporated public comments into the draft Housing Element (where feasible, given the short turn-around time) and sent to HCD for a 90-day review. More substantive comments were addressed in the second public draft of the Housing Element, released on November 29, 2022.

  • June 30, 2022 - September 28, 2022 - Extended First Draft of Housing Element Available for Public Comment

    Based on community feedback and to ensure that the Oakland community had enough time to review and comment, the City kept the first public review draft of the Housing Element available for public comment through the 90-day State HCD review period (June 30 - September 28, 2022). Thank you to all those who submitted public comments and attended public meetings.

  • November 29, 2022 - December 29, 2022 - Release of Public Hearing Draft of Housing Element for Public Comment

    City released the second public review draft of the Housing Element on November 29, 2022.

  • January 2023 - Adoption of Housing Element Public Hearing Draft

    Adoption of Housing Element by City Council and Planning Commission

Housing Element Overview Video

This slideshow presentation offers an overview of Housing Element, what it covers, and the timeline for its development. The video also provides a summary of the issues the Element addresses, community engagement efforts, and some proposed policies being considered to meet the City's ongoing housing needs.


Past Events

Date Meeting / Event Information / Materials


City Council


Community and Economic Development (CED) Committee


Planning Commission


Planning Commission


City Council


Housing Element Workshop 4


Housing Element Focus Group Discussion #3: Draft Housing Element


Planning Commission


Planning Commission


Housing and Environmental Justice Grounding Workshop 2


Housing and Environmental Justice Grounding Workshop 1


Housing Element Workshop 3


Housing Element Focus Group Discussion #2: Production, Preservation, and Protections

Meeting Notes


Community and Economic Development (CED) Committee


Housing Element Workshop 2 - Housing Programs and Inclusive Neighborhoods


Housing Element Workshop 1 - Housing Sites


Planning Commission


Housing Element Focus Group Discussion #1: Housing Sites

Housing Element Project Schedule

Oakland 2045 General Plan Housing Element Timeline
Oakland 2045 General Plan Housing Element Timeline

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