Electronic Communication Devices Policy Ad Hoc (DGO I-19)

The purpose of the Cellphones and Other Electronic Communication Devices Ad Hoc Committee is to consider for Commission adoption the Oakland Police Department's (Department) draft policy outlining the rules and expectations governing the on-duty use of Department-issued cellular phones and other Department-issued electronic devices, as well as personal cellular phones and other personal electronic devices. The policy includes direction on training and audit procedures. The policy will apply to full-time sworn officers, certain annuitants and reserve sworn officers, professional staff at the rank of supervisor and above, and others in the discretion of the Chief of Police.

Recorded meetings

The Oakland Police Commission is committed to transparency in how we do our work. Recognizing that not all our meetings are open to the public, and sometimes work is completed outside of meetings and status is provided at the meeting - this does not ever prohibit community or any stakeholder from reaching out and getting involved.

Members of the public are always welcome, invited and encouraged to share ideas, views, concerns, suggested language edits and perspectives on anything - in particular any OPD policy the Oakland Police Commission is reviewing.

Ways to engage the Commission:

Review the Draft Policy

Police policies are designed to provide the rules, guidance and instruction for Oakland’s police officers to do their duties. Click on the link to review the draft policy.

Ad Hoc Committee Members

Police Commission

Subject Matter Experts & Community Members

  • Mac Muir
  • Omar Farmer

OPD Representatives

  • Dep Dir. Kiona Suttle
  • Cpt. Roland Holmgren
  • Lt. Joseph Turner

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