FAQs from District 7 Public Safety Town Hall (2022)
Scroll down to find the answer to questions presented during the Public Safety Town Hall
Scroll down to find the answer to questions presented during the Public Safety Town Hall
Scroll down to find the answer to questions presented during the Howard Terminal Town Hall
The Downtown Oakland Specific Plan (DOSP) was adopted in July 2024. It is accompanied by a package of Planning Code, Zoning Map and General Plan amendments that will help implement the plan.
On February 23, 2022, the Redistricting Commission adopted Resolution No 22-004 to adopt Draft Map F5 which describes the new district boundaries for the City Council and the School Board. Links to the Final Plan (F5) and separate district boundaries can be found below.
Documents developed as part of the General Plan Update process, or used in the process of creating the Oakland 2045 General Plan will reside on this webpage.
As we mark Oakland's 170th birthday, let's recommit to the community, reconnect with each other and rediscover what makes Oakland great.
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