The purpose of the Cellphones and Other Electronic Communication Devices Ad Hoc Committee is to consider for Commission adoption the Oakland Police Department's (Department) draft policy outlining the rules and expectations governing the on-duty use of Department-issued cellular phones and other Department-issued electronic devices, as well as personal cellular phones and other personal electronic devices. The policy includes direction on training and audit procedures. The policy will apply to full-time sworn officers, certain annuitants and reserve sworn officers, professional staff at the rank of supervisor and above, and others in the discretion of the Chief of Police.
East Oakland Sports Center construction and Studio One renovations.
Water Quality Improvements, Pedestrian and Bicycle Access, Wetlands Restoration and Other Channel and Shoreline Improvements
Water quality improvements, hazardous materials remediation, along with waterfront trail and parks acquisition and construction.
Projects in this category were to address water quality, recreation, youth activities, park restoration and access
With Measure DD's focus on water quality, projects have included restoration of selected Oakland creeks and acquisition of critical watersheds. Locations are detailed below.
The Risk Management Ad Hoc was established to bring to the Oakland Police Commission for adoption a Risk Management policy that will contain guidelines regarding risk behavior to help the Oakland Police mitigate and reduce risk to individual officers and the City of Oakland.
This Measure DD project includes six interpretive sign panels. The purpose of these signs is to connect people to the place and the wildlife that live at Lake Merritt and encourage stewardship. The six panels feature information on the Lake Merritt watershed, wildlife refuge history, birds of Lake Merritt, wildlife habitat, rain gardens, and the tidal lagoon ecosystem.
The sign panels, measuring six feet wide by two feet tall, are scheduled for installation at the locations on the map below the week of May 15, 2023. To see images of the six interpretive signs scroll down below the map. More information about each sign and the content included will be available soon.
Engagement on the General Plan Update (GPU) will happen throughout in the form of pop-up events, youth engagement, community hub events, equity working group meetings, public hearings, and more! Keep coming back to this page for updated event information!
Key resources to learn more about the General Plan Update process.
The Housing Element is a part of Oakland’s General Plan. It is a guide for providing housing for people in the City, including those with low income or special needs.