
West Oakland Job Resource Center

The West Oakland Job Resource Center (WOJRC) is a place to learn about and prepare for careers in the building and construction trades.

Archive Page for former Oakland Redevelopment Agency

As of February 1, 2012, the City of Oakland Redevelopment Agency ceased to exist. The new Redevelopment Successor Agency, housed within the Public/Private Development Division, was created to wind down and complete the activities of the former Redevelopment Agency.

Redevelopment Successor Agency Oversight Board

The Redevelopment Successor Agency and its Oversight Board was created to wind down and complete the activities of the former Oakland Redevelopment Agency following dissolution in 2012.

Contract Administration Unit

We provide contract development, sourcing/bidding, and awarding services to all departments on formal contracts.

Citywide Labor Laws

DWES enforces the City’s Minimum Wage Ordinance, Hotel Minimum Wage and Working Conditions Ordinance, and Worker Retention at Large-Scale Hospitality Business Ordinance

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