Public/Private Development Project Agreements

Learn more about the Development Projects on City sites, including project descriptions and links to Council legislation.


Sites under Disposition and Development Agreements (DDAs)

City Center T-12 (601 12th St.)
586,000 square feet of office with approximately 10,000 square feet of ground floor retail
(Legislation; Developer Website)

City Center T-5/6 (Clay St., 11th, and 12th streets)
Phase I: 225 residential units and 5,000 square feet of retail
Phase II: 200-300 room hotel and 8,000 square feet of retail

500 Kirkham St
417 residential units and 22,000 square feet of ground floor retail
(Legislation; see Developer Website for information on updated, denser proposal)

Seminary Point Shopping Center (Foothill Blvd. and Seminary Ave.)
27,000 square feet of retail including Walgreens Drug Store
(Legislation; Developer Website)

LakeHouse Commons (East 12th St. @ 2nd Ave.)
360-unit residential project with ground floor retail
(Legislation; Developer Website)

7th St. & Campbell St. (Managed by the Housing & Community Development Dept.)
Proposed 60-79 units of affordable housing, an urban farm, and 34,000 square feet of new neighborhood-serving retail and commercial uses

23rd & Valdez (2315 Valdez St./2330 Webster St.)
234 residential units, 242 space public parking garage, and 17,000 square feet of retail

Oakland Acura (Oakport St.)
35,000-square-foot showroom and service facility for Oakland Acura

Brooklyn Basin (Embarcadero/ 5th to 10th Ave) (Managed by the Housing & Community Development Dept.)
465 affordable housing units on two parcels jointly owned by the City and the Oakland Housing Authority, part of a larger project including mixed-use residential and commercial, parks, restored wetlands, and marinas
(Legislation; see City Website for information on larger Brooklyn Basin project; Developer Website)

Fruitvale Transit Village Phase IIA (East 12th/San Leandro streets)
94 housing units, of which 92 are affordable
(Legislation; City Website)

Sites under Exclusive Negotiating Agreements (ENAs)

Kaiser Convention Center (10 10th St.)
Restoration of Calvin Simmons Theater, as well as space for arts and nonprofits, restaurant, retail and income-generating uses
(Legislation; see City Website for information on RFP for reuse/rehab; Developer Website)

Derby Avenue (between International Blvd. and E. 15th St.)
Charter school

73rd & Foothill (73rd Ave. & Foothill Blvd.)
6,600-square-foot retail center and 3,600-square-foot Starbucks community store with drive-through service

2100 Telegraph Ave.
Up to 980,000 square feet of office, 48,000 square feet of retail, and 25,000 square feet of community space and structured parking for 1,400 spaces
(Legislation; Developer Website)

Fruitvale Transit Village Phase IIB (East 12th/San Leandro streets)
181 housing units, of which 163 are affordable
(Legislation; City Website)

3050 International Blvd.
75 affordable housing units

Hill Elmhurst (95th Ave. & International Blvd.)
57 affordable housing units

Coliseum Complex (includes Oakland Coliseum and Oracle Arena)
The Oakland Athletics are investigating the feasibility of a new ballpark and ancillary development at both the Coliseum Complex and Howard Terminal
(Legislation; see City Website for more information on Coliseum Complex management)

Sites under Owner Participation Agreements (OPAs)

MacArthur Station (Macarthur Blvd. @ 40th St.)
875 residential units, 31,500 square feet of retail, 5,000-square-foot community center, new streets and a new BART Plaza
(Legislation; Developer Website)

Coliseum Transit Village (70th Ave./71st Ave./Snell St.)
110 units of housing and approximately 1,000 square feet of retail
(Legislation; Developer Website; Grand Opening Release)

1100 Broadway
310,000 square feet of office with 10,000 square feet of ground floor retail
(Legislation; Developer Website)

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