
Alcohol Beverage Action Team (ABAT)

The ABAT Unit is responsible for licensing, inspecting, and conducting enforcement operations at all alcohol and tobacco establishments within the City of Oakland to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal law. The unit also responds to citizen complaints regarding nuisance bars and stores. In addition, the unit provides free training to educate business owners about various local and state regulations related to their businesses. The goals of ABAT enforcement operations are to (1) decrease criminal and nuisance activity associated with ABC or TRL licensed premises in the City; (2) decrease the sale of alcohol or tobacco products to minors; (3) ensure that all licensed locations are abiding by local, state, and federal laws; (4) educate the public; and (5) bring licensed premised back to productive use through education and enforcement.

Community Facilities District (CFD) & Maintenance

To provide a secure source of funding and clear maintenance responsibilities, in 2015 the City formed the Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 2015-1 (Gateway Industrial District) and adopted Ordinance No. 13324 C.M.S. authorizing the annual levy of the special tax within the CFD. The CFD provides a parcel tax on properties in the City Gateway Industrial District to fund maintenance of the public roads and infrastructure. The CFD is managed by the Department of Public Works.

Cannabis Equity Program

In the Spring of 2017, the City Council enacted an Equity Permit Program that addresses disparities in the cannabis industry by prioritizing the victims of the war on drugs, and minimizing barriers of entry into the industry.

Curb Ramps

Curb ramps are an essential piece of Oakland's infrastructure. ADA-compliant curb ramps increase accessibility so that Oaklanders of all abilities and ages can use our streets and sidewalks safely.

Homelessness and Encampment Response

The Encampment Management Policy seeks to address the adverse health and safety impacts of unsheltered homelessness, with compassion and care to not criminalize poverty. The Encampment Management Team is responsible for implementing the Encampment Management Policy and directing coordination across city departments.

Candidate and Treasurer Training

An overview of the California Political Reform Act and Oakland Campaign Reform Act provisions for candidates and campaign treasurers.

Illegal Dumping: Environmental Enforcement Officers (EEOs)

Environmental Enforcement Officers (EEOs) are officers that monitor all of Oakland’s diverse communities to prevent and deter illegal dumping. Through educational outreach and enforcement actions, EEOs educate Oaklanders on the consequences of illegal dumping and hold unlawful dumpers accountable. They monitor illegal dumping “hot spots,” conduct forensic investigations, cite dumpers, coordinate abandon waste removal, and collect data to inform and improve their enforcement efforts.

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