
Oakland Economic Recovery Advisory Council

The Advisory Council is charged with identifying both short-term recommendations to facilitate the reopening and recovery of Oakland’s economic sectors from the COVID-19 crisis, and longer-term strategies for systemic change that creates a more equitable economy into the future.

Councilmember Bas' COVID-19 Updates & Resource Hub

<strong>Below in the "Topics" section, </strong>see the City of Oakland's official COVID-19 resource hub with supports for businesses, workers, residents, employees, unsheltered neighbors; citywide Town Halls; city service modifications, and other latest updates. <br><br><strong>For Councilmember Fortunato Bas' COVID-19 updates</strong>, see the "About" section. These e-blasts contain additional community resources, opportunities, calls to action, and spotlights on District 2 community heroes through this pandemic.

District 1 CDBG Grants 2020

Join us for District 1's Community Development Block Grant board meeting on Sunday, June 7th at 3:00 p.m.!

District Development

With funding commitments from the City of Oakland and grant funding from the US Department of Transportation, Transportation Commissions of the State of California and Alameda County, the City, in cooperation with the Port of Oakland, is leveraging significant private investment to transform the former Oakland Army Base into a modern logistics center and mixed-use redevelopment. This redevelopment will benefit the local, county-wide and regional jurisdictions by creating: (1) new public infrastructure and (2) private development that together will provide new jobs, fiscal returns and improve the local and regional transportation system.

Maritime Services

The Gateway Industrial District is adjacent to the Port of Oakland. The district includes 15 acres dedicated to ancillary maritime services (AMS), such as truck parking, cargo storage, truck services, as well as plans for a bulk commodities marine terminal.

Distribution, Warehousing and Logistics Facilities

The Gateway Industrial District includes industrial spaces for warehouses, distribution facilities and fulfillment centers. These activities constitute the circulatory system of trade and commerce, which involves, among other things, trucking fleets, shipping containers and rail cars. The nature of these activities at the Gateway Industrial District will be derived from overall demand and market needs. Operations of these facilities is governed by Air Quality Plans that are linked below.

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