
Contracting & Funding Opportunities

The City of Oakland is always looking for vendors to supply the City with goods and services, including construction for capital projects. Learn more about bid and contracting opportunities.

List of Preservation Districts (S-7 and S-20 Zones)

Officially designated Preservation Districts are also called S-7 and S-20 Zones. They are areas or neighborhoods that are recognized for the same values as individual Landmarks, and they are nominated and designated in the same way, usually with active neighborhood participation. There are currently nine designated districts containing about 1500 buildings. They include Preservation Park, Old Oakland-Victorian Row, and the Bellevue-Staten Apartment District along Lake Merritt in Adams Point, and Sheffield Village. Also included are Oak Center Historic District and 7th Street Commercial District in West Oakland.

Oakland 2045 General Plan | Safety Element

The Safety Element is a required chapter of the General Plan and is a policy framework to guide the public decision-making process on addressing natural and human-caused hazards.

Oakland 2045 General Plan | Planning Code Amendments for Phase 1

These planning code amendments are intended to implement actions in the 2023-2031 Housing Element's Housing Action Plan, further fair housing, advance environmental justice, remove constraints to staff ability to process entitlements for housing development, and streamline the approval process.

Truck Parking Reporting: Benchmark Year 2017

The truck parking regulations were updated in April 2022. Evaluating truck parking ticket data is one way to gauge effectiveness of truck parking regulations. As fewer trucks park illegally, fewer tickets will be issued.

Heavy-Duty Truck Parking Rules

The City of Oakland’s heavy-duty truck parking rules seek to reduce the impact of transport trucks on local streets. This page contains information on heavy-duty truck parking rules and idling, resources for finding truck parking for truck operators, information on how to report a violation and truck parking ticket data.

Body Worn Camera Policy Ad Hoc

This Ad Hoc Committee is tasked with the review and revision of the Oakland Police Department’s Body Worn Camera Policy.

Militarized Equipment Ad Hoc

The Militarized Equipment Ad Hoc Committee is tasked with drafting and updating policies regulating the acquisition and use of militarized equipment by the Oakland Police Department in accordance with the City of Oakland's Controlled Equipment Ordinance (OMC 9.65) and state law (AB 481; Gov Code 7070 et seq.)

National Dam Safety Awareness Day - May 31st

National Dam Safety Awareness Day occurs each year on May 31 to commemorate the failure of the South Fork Dam in Johnstown, Pennsylvania on May 31, 1889. National Dam Safety Awareness Day was created to encourage and promote individual and community responsibility and best practices for dam safety, and what steps people can take to either prevent future catastrophic dam failures or lessen the impact if a failure was to occur. Another important goal of National Dam Safety Awareness Day is to promote the benefits that dams offer.

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