
Prohibition on Contractor Contributions

The Oakland Campaign Reform Act contains an extensive prohibition on contributions coming from persons negotiating certain contracts with the City of Oakland or Oakland School Board. The Act prohibits contractors as defined in the Act from making any contribution to candidates for local office between the time negotiations on the affected contracts begin and 180-days after the completion or termination of negotiations on the contract.

Limited Public Financing Program

In November 2022, Oakland voters approved Measure W, the Oakland Fair Elections Act, which replaced the Limited Public Financing Act with an all-new public campaign financing program effective for the 2024 election. Due to the City's budget emergency, the Democracy Dollars program was postponed to the 2026 election. As a result, the Limited Public Financing (LPF) program was extended through the 2024 election. LPF provides Oakland District City Council candidates with some public funds by reimbursement for eligible campaign expenses. The program goal is to help ensure that all individuals have a fair and equal opportunity to participate in the elective and governmental process.

Whistleblower Hotline Program

The Office of the City Auditor operates a confidential hotline to accept reports of fraud, waste, and abuse. The name and contact information or anyone filing a report will remain anonymous.

Ethics for Board and Commission Members

Oakland relies on its many boards and commissions to provide critical guidance in City decisions and to serve as important forums for public participation. With this privilege comes a responsibility to comply with governmental ethics laws and to uphold the public’s trust. There are many rules and responsibilities that you will need to learn about in this new role as a Public Servant so take the time to review these board member essentials to avoid any costly missteps.

Government Ethics

The Oakland Government Ethics Act provides a framework of ethics laws addressing issues such as gifts, conflicts of interests, the misuse of city resources and position, political activities, and post-employment restrictions. The Public Ethics Commission provides advice, assistance, and training to individuals that are subject to local ethics laws.

Lobbyist Rules

The Public Ethics Commission ensures compliance with the City of Oakland's lobbyist registration laws.

Open Government

Enhancing government transparency is at the core of the Public Ethics Commission mission to ensure fairness, openness, honesty and integrity in City government. Our goal is City government that opens up and facilitates residents' understanding and participation, and community members collaborating to bring about meaningful change.

Disclosure Information and Data

State and local disclosure laws are one tool to prevent conflicts of interest with City officials' public duties by shining light on their personal interests. The Public Ethics Commission acts as filing officer for financial disclosure statements filed by candidates, political committees, lobbyists, and designated City employees and officials. Disclosure statements are public records and are available for review online.

Open Meetings

​Oakland is one of several California cities to adopt a Sunshine ordinance. These ordinances attempt to provide the public with greater opportunities to access public meetings and information. They also create special obligations on City employees to ensure these opportunities are fulfilled.

Design Review Committee (DRC)

The Design Review Committee (DRC) is an official committee of the Oakland Planning Commission. The DRC meets every fourth Wednesday of the month (and additionally as needed) to provide design feedback to project developers and staff.

Zoning Update Committee (ZUC)

The Zoning Update Committee (ZUC) meets as needed to hear preliminary zoning code updates prior to consideration by the full Planning Commission. The ZUC is an official committee of the Planning Commission.

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