
2021 Oakland Earth Day

As we prepare for a potentially busy fire season this year, we recognize the role climate change plays in natural disasters and how we can take action now to address some of the root causes of these events.

Poet Laureate Program

The 2024 nomination period is closed. The next window to submit nominations will be in late 2024.

Safe Oakland Streets

Safe Oakland Streets (SOS) is a Citywide initiative to prevent serious and fatal traffic crashes and eliminate crash inequities on Oakland's streets. We are working across departments and building partnerships with the community to implement the most effective and equitable strategies

General Plan Update Guiding Principles

These initial principles will help guide the kick-off and development of Oakland’s General Plan Update. This is the first step in working out a shared vision with all Oaklanders that will serve as a foundation for the General Plan.

What is a General Plan?

The General Plan is a policy document and establishes a citywide vision and consistent direction for future development. It reflects community priorities, values, and includes supporting goals, policies, and implementation measures to achieve the community's vision.

Oakland Earth Day - Saturday, April 19, 2025

Join us for Oakland's 31st Annual Earth Day as we come together to celebrate our planet with a day filled with sustainability, community, and environmental action! Let’s honor our beautiful city and commit to making a positive impact for generations to come.

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