
Recycling Facilities

Development of the Gateway Industrial District provides an opportunity to relocate two recycling businesses currently located in the West Oakland neighborhood to a more suitable location.

Film Office Rates

Oakland Film Office Rates for film permits, film shoot parking, City services, and City locations for filming.

Oakland Waterfront Ballpark District at Howard Terminal Community Benefits

The equity-centered Howard Terminal proposal Community Benefits process is an opportunity to set a national precedent. It will be the first of its kind to use existing conditions of racial disparities data from the Oakland Race and Equity Baseline Indicators Report that was published in 2019 to establish race and equity baselines from which community benefits recommendations will be developed. It will also be the first to be developed through a collaborative multi-stakeholder Steering Committee and developed from a grassroots level through seven working groups that have been identified as Topic Cohorts: Community Health & Safety, Culture Keeping & History, Economic Development & Jobs, Education, Environment, Housing, and Transportation.

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