Telegraph Avenue Corridor Improvements
Construction almost complete on Telegraph Avenue between 20th Street and 29th Street! Safety improvements complete on Telegraph Avenue between 29th Street and 52nd Street.
Construction almost complete on Telegraph Avenue between 20th Street and 29th Street! Safety improvements complete on Telegraph Avenue between 29th Street and 52nd Street.
This team's objective is to transparently share race and equity efforts at the City's Department of Transportation and hold the Department accountable for race and equity issues in transportation.
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are attached or detached accessory dwellings that are accessory to primary Residential Facilities located on the same lot and provide complete independent facilities for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation.
The City of Oakland’s Soft Story Retrofit Program works to save lives by strengthening buildings with large ground-floor openings that are particularly prone to collapse during an earthquake. Effective January 22, 2019, municipal ordinance No. 13516 now requires residential property owners to strengthen these vulnerable buildings with seismic retrofits. This page provides information and resources on the ordinance, the schedule for compliance, and the process for completing the mandatory retrofit.
The City's groundbreaking Equity Permit Program is designed to minimize barriers to cannabis licensing for those who have been the most victimized by the war on drugs. Find out how to qualify.
If you received a Stop Work from a City of Oakland Building Inspector, you must stop all construction activities. Please see below on how to apply for permits to correct the violations.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) states that no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of or subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Information about compliance with Title VI is available, including policies, procedures and complaints.
Safe, well-maintained streets are the foundation of every neighborhood's local transportation network. They're vital whether you get around by bus, bike, on foot, in a wheelchair or stroller, or in a car. In the process of repaving Oakland's streets, Oakland has an opportunity to update newly resurfaced streets with designs that accommodate more users and meet even higher standards for safety and accessibility.
Whether in your home or in your car, you must make sure firearms are properly secured…
A comprehensive guide to Oakland’s shared mobility services, discounts, and resources
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