Services for Homebuyers
Homeownership programs are designed to expand opportunities for prospective Oakland homebuyers through education, financial assistance, and resource referral.
Homeownership programs are designed to expand opportunities for prospective Oakland homebuyers through education, financial assistance, and resource referral.
The Loan Servicing Unit in the Fiscal and Administrative Services division of Housing and Community Development is tasked with servicing loans provided under our First Time Homebuyer Programs, Housing Rehabilitation Programs, Housing and Community Development Projects, and other Housing related loans provided by the City of Oakland.
The Access Improvement Program (AIP) for Owner-Occupied Units provides grants for accessibility modifications to owner-occupied properties.
The Emergency Home Repair Program provides loans for home repairs that require immediate attention such as a citation issued by a Fire Marshall, Health Officer or Code Enforcement Officer, leaking roof sewer break.
The Home Maintenance and Improvement Program (HMIP) provides loans to owner-occupied low-income and moderate-income households to correct health and safety violations and repair systems at risk of failure.
The CalHome Program partners with lenders to assist low-income, first-time homebuyers with buying a home in the City of Oakland. This program is now out of funds and no longer taking loan reservations. A limited amount of funds to assist one buyer may be available in December 2024; please check back.
The Lead-Safe Homes Program provides free risk assessment for lead hazards, painting services to qualified owner-occupied low- and moderate-income households.
The Access Improvement Program (AIP) for Rental Property Owners provides grants for accessibility modifications to rental properties.
Learn more about foreclosure prevention and connect with support and resources if you are in or are at risk of foreclosure.
The City of Oakland is committed to supporting affordable housing for its residents. Since 1988, we have funded the development of over 6000 units of housing. The City has many funding programs that work with non-profit developers to increase the number of affordable housing units and repair existing housing units.
The Community Development and Engagement (CDE) division administers federal HUD and locally funded programs to revitalize neighborhoods and increase access to safe, affordable housing. This includes, but is not limited to, homeless prevention services, affordable housing development, rehabilitation of owner-occupied housing units, and other community development/public service activities principally benefitting Oakland residents with low- and moderate-incomes. This division also administers the City's Code Enforcement Relocation Program and, upon funding availability, operates rental assistance and other anti-displacement activities to keep Oakland renters housed, particularly those with incomes of 30% Area Median Income (AMI) or lower, and renters of up to 80% AMI whose housing status has become unstable due to or during COVID impacts.
The City offer resources and partners with community organizations to protect the housing and tenant rights of community members.
The Housing Policy Section conducts studies, maintains data and statistics, provides information, advocates legislation, creates and ensures compliance with local, state and federal policies and procedures related to affordable housing in Oakland
The Rent Adjustment Program outlines how property owners can handle and respond to rental disputes and allows property owners to petition for pre-approval of a rent increase, exemption from the program, and to extend time for vacancy.
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